
If Sarah Palin ran against Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, and John McCain would she have won?

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If Sarah Palin ran against Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, and John McCain would she have won?




  1. Obama beat Clinton, Richardson, Biden, etc, so it's evidently possible.  I don't think she would have chosen a running mate who said flat out that she's not ready to be President, though.  Or who said that she was the first articulate woman and politics, and that it was a storybook.

  2. You don't say Ron Paul.  With him off the ticket, I might have voted for her.  But if Dems hadn't been able to cross over vote in Florida when their own primary didn't count, we wouldn't be stuck with McCain to begin with.

    And I'd vote for Ron Paul over her, in any event.

  3. She was never a ask yourself WHY NOW???

  4. h**l no. I would like to see her debate them. She makes them all look good now doesn't she. It is all relative.

  5. Good question, Paris.  I don't think she would have gotten very far in the primaries.  Just like Biden did poorly in the Dem primary.  So why not pick the second-place finishers (Huckabee and Clinton) as VP?  For various political reasons it just doesn't work that way.  Huckabee would scare away independent voters.  Hillary didn't want the VP position as she wants to run again in 2012.

  6. No, not in my opinion. John McCain would have still won.

  7. you will never know. Why not?

  8. h**l NO!!! Know one even knows who she is!!!!!

  9. No, because she wouldn't have grabbed the media's attention like the guys with the big bucks. Money wins elections.

  10. Probably would have fared about as well as Biden did.

  11. Sarah who???????

  12. No she's an empty suit.

    Anyways I'm an educated democrat.

  13. I don't know, but can I tell you you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose?  Did your mom teach you?

  14. It's possible.  Why not.  

  15. The real test will be in how she beats oboma.

    She was asked because they expecting Clinton to get the nod.

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