
If Sarah is such a poor choice for McCain, why is she stirring up so much debate? ?

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Anderson Cooper is starting to stutter, that Campbell woman is spitting poison, MSNBC has lost the thrill running up theirs!

And no one takes about Obama anymore!

And Sarah speaks like an American Frontiers women!




  1. Yes she is a powerful and convincing women, she is an outdoors sportswomen as well and the Hockey Mom for the Christian Athletes!

    All America is going to love her, she will bring back the spirit!

    She will lift the dark veil of America! A great team mate for John!

  2. God has spoken, and he is telling Obama, you will not be rewarded for killing babies, and Sarah will be rewarded for keeping hers. The Lord works in mysterious and wonderful ways. It doesn't get any better then this. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  3. You answered your own question. She's a poor and very inappropriate choice for McCain. He wants all the power and control and picked a women who he knows won't over shadow him and will only speak when he tells her to.

  4. the Dems were hoping McCain would pick some old DC coot who would reflect their 'Time for Change' platform.  that platform just got blown out of the water since Obama picked the old DC coot and McCain went outside of DC and picked a governor.

    What can the Dems say about choosing a governor?  Dear old Bill was a governor with no DC experience when he was the king of the hill.

  5. It was a brilliant choice, strategically at least.  By choosing a woman McCain hopes to win over disenfranchised Hillary voters.  Also, she is a young idealist which cuts into Obama's main appeal.

    Of course, now the McCain camp needs to drop the whole "inexperience" argument since Obama-Biden has more experience than McCain-Palin.

  6. the left are it is said in Football a great “hail mary” move… great moment in history … the first female VP will be Republican..THEN the first female president will be also Republican ..her!

    .she has DONE things that Obama dreams of doing.... like against after her OWN party on corruption.…when if EVER obama has done the same in the highly corrupt Democrat party uh?...I say she is more for change than obama is...she has DONE it! Look it up!

  7. Because she's news.  As with every other new news story, she will have her cycle and then things will go back to normal.  The Republicans have given up their talking point on Obama's inexperience in an attempt to pander to women voters and McCain's conservative base.  

    And no, she doesn't speak like a frontierswoman.  They aborted babies at will, and although it was swept under the carpet, no one tried to execute them for trying it.

  8. She is not a poor choice at all. Palin is an excellent choice and the reaction of the bed wetting liberals is affirming that choice.

  9. It is great. They are fearing everything know. They are all probably getting drunk this weekend because of depression.  

  10. Palin is not a powerful woman. She is the Governor of Alaska with it's 700,000 population. Rhode Island for comparison has over 1 million in populaton. So she is not powerful.

    People are debating this issue because no one believe McCain would be that stupid to have her for his running mate unless he had a valid reason. Everyone is trying to find what that reason was.

  11. Governor Sarah Palin is stirring up so much debate because the liberal socialist Democrats are scared of her.

  12. Because it is funny.  People are actually supporting her with a straight face.  Everybody is like really, you really think that's a good choice, honestly?  Then when people start giving their reason for supporting her it gets even funnier.  

  13. I think the picture below sums up McCain's strategy and why Palin was chosen as VP.

  14. Because she is a poor choice, that is a cause for debate. You answered your question already.

    McCain picked the least experienced person on his short list. Palin is the new Ferrarro.

  15. Yeah, hoo-rah.  How about 21 reasons why she is a train wreck for the United States.  McCain just lost.

  16. Palin is a desperate choice by a desperate man. Does he really think we can't tell the difference between Hillary and Palin? He criticizes Obama for lack of experience but picks someone who has only two years of political experience! What a hypocrite!

  17. Because you people are so GULLIBLE...McCain knew this would happen and you don't disappoint.

    h**l  yes, she would make Daniel Boone proud....Daniel Boone was a man....was a BRAAAAVE man!!!!!

    Yeah, she'll bring down the spirit...the holy his knees I'm sure!

    Altogether now...

    I'm SO PRETTY!!!!!  Oh so PRETTY!!!! I'm more pretty and witty than THEEEEE!!!!!

    I'm sure her t**t is as big as her mouth and her next kid will just walk out.

  18. A quick recap of this last weeks political boxing match.

    The Democrats get in a few good jabs on the Republicans.

    Bill Clinton lands a good punch.

    Jimmy Carter takes a wild swing, loses his balance, and falls flat on his face.

    Ant then McCain responds with a bell ringing slammer to the head.

    Score this week for the Republicans.

    Nobody is talking about about the coronation of the anointed one.  All eyes are on Sarah Palin.  

    And in other news, Washington D.C. insiders are shredding their confidential memos.  The thought of the Barracuda getting into their little swimming pool is terrifying them.

  19. Would you also vote for Calamity Jane?

    She has no relevance to National affairs.

  20. She is a great choice for VP. Better than the main choice for Democrats! I'd pick her for the No. 1 spot over Obummer any day!

    McCain/Palin '08

  21. The Dems are mad because McCain made a GREAT pick and staged them up. They wanted a pro choice woman to be first in the White house, not a pro life.  

  22. McCain blindsided Obama and the far left media!

  23. Because everyone is so shocked at this absolute horrible choice for VP.

    Obama/Biden 08!

  24. Because they know Obama blew it.  He should have taken Hillary--he didn't want her--his ego wouldn't allow it.  He could have had the unstoppable team.  They know McCain has it in the bag now.   ***

  25. I don't think you can call it a debate!

      People just like taking shots at her! The FBI, and drugs and so on!

  26. Well the libs are still gasping for air and are just on the attack attack attack

    how sad.

  27. Because she has more experience than the top of the Democrat ticket.

  28. Everybody is in shock over this decision. Dems are on the attack because the Reps have dropped their gard and Reps are scrabbling to justify what is a catastrophically bad judgment call by McCain.

  29. Because people just can't believe how stupid McCain is, and wonder about his sanity and his judgment.  He beat Bush in the dummy department.  It's too awesome to even comprehend.

    If America picks those two, we deserve everything we get.  They will make Bush look like a walk in the park.

    Jeez louise.

  30. Because Dems now know that Obama should have picked Clinton as VP!  The Dems screwed up!

  31. I confess that when I heard that a woman was going to run, I expected to see a real ugly woman wearing plaid shirts and carrying a moose over her shoulder. Instead we saw a well educated and sophisticated mother, business woman who immediately showed us what a vice president, or the first woman president should look and act like.

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