
If Satan and the demons were cast out of heaven, then do they walk among us? ?

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If 1/3 of angels rebelled against God, there must be more demons existing on earth than there are humans. I know it says that some of the demons are bound with chains in Sheol, but where are the vast majority existing? If they are on the earth, then they must run the whole show? Right?




  1. And  the Lord said unto Satan,whence com-est thou?then Satan answered the Lord, and said,from going to and fro in the earth,and from walking up and down in it.(Job 1:7) Yes Satan and his demons are among us,the Bible calls him the prince of this world.

  2. Yes, Satan and his demons walk among us, so to speak.  That is why there is evil in the world.  People are enticed by evil spirits to do bad things.  Jesus got Satan to leave Him alone by defending Himself with the His Word--the Scriptures.  We are to do that too.  Our best defense against the devil is to read the Bible everyday so that we get to know it well and we will be ready with this Sword of the Spirit when the devil comes prowling after us.

  3. There's a scripture that says Satan walks about like a roaring lion.

    1 Pet 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

  4. You ask about what is recorded in the 12th chapter of Revelations.

    Vs.9 shows them being kicked out down to the vicinity of the earth.

    Vs.12 warns us they are very angry knowing they have only a short time of freedom before imprisonment and death.

    "Walking" may not be literal, but traveling and mean about it, yes.

    They will not be locked up until Armageddon or destroyed until after the 1,000 year reign of Christ and his final chance to mislead those then.

  5. they are spiritual entities - not physical manifestatiions

    Eph 2:2  Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

    Eph 2:3  Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

  6. Yes. They are in human form. They're mission is to destroy. Sorry to scare if I did, But its the truth. It even says that in the Bible.

  7.   During the great flood of Noah's time , these Demon angels reverted back to spirit form so that they would not die in the flood ,  their children the Nephilem did die .....  They went back to heaven only to have this power taken away , the power to take human form or to materialize at all .....   Eventually there was war in heaven because God simply did not wish to listen to satan any longer ....  God told Jesus and his angels to get him and his demon's out ....  They were thrown here to the earth and they cannot leave earth's boundaries....  This is what was written about it ....  "Woe for the earth for satan has come down to you having great anger , knowing he has a short time left.....   They are not walking among us as humans , they are still spirits ....  They have learned other ways to inflict damage on us  , as is apparent by the worlds daily news ....  But like it says,  he has a short time left before they are thrown into the abyss for a thousand years ..... After that satan is to be let loose for a short time after which he and his demons will be destroyed forever  ,  never to be seen or heard from again...............   It is then we shall continue what Adam and Eve failed to do , we shall make this earth into a paradise....  Only this time we will get it done

  8. keep thinking about read devils with pointy ears while the reality of evil goes behind its real course. The same as humanity evolved with new technology so they did they (sorry for my crappy english not first language)

    the reality is ALIENS are running the show baybe , yes people get abducted and chipped and those chips make you do things such as getting angry or negative so that  they can feed off those low vibrations , the ultimate plan is to keep you away from the truth , and if you dont get strong enough , they can programm you to do bad stuff against others

    usually the put two chips on you , one for control remote so they can observe you and the other one to control you !

    the little gray ones are just puppets of the lizard looking ones , in the bible the snake represented them and so the paintings of the mayans and sumerians , they will come and pose as god some day and before you think im paranoid do your own research and realize that the better you act and the better you live lead your less the less effect they can have on you!

  9. satan does, but the demons are all in h**l. In Revelation it says that during the Tribulation one of the things that will happen is that the demons will burst out of h**l in the form of like big bugs or something and bite all the people who aren't save and leave a painful welt.

  10. Job 1:6-7

    6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. 7 And the LORD said to Satan, “From where do you come?”

    So Satan answered the LORD and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.”  

  11. Get a life, there is no satan or demon. These are fictitious characters made by people in the past who had ample time at their hands.

    There are good people and bad people. Good and bad is a function of time and geography. Hence what is good in America may not be good in Brazil. What was bad two hundred years ago may be good now.

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