
If Scotland leaves the UK...?

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What will we call the remaining ex-UK country, which will then consist of England & Wales and Northern Ireland?




  1. Therapon, I'm an American from Texas.  Don't keep up with ya'lls politics.  Is there really serious talk of Scotland leaving the Union?  

    Back here, about 150 years ago, we had a similar situation?  Abe Lincoln, the standing President, said "No"!!  

  2. "Less-than-Great Britain".  (?)

  3. First off. The UK is not one country, it is two.

    If the Union is dissolved. England will be known as England.

    Scotland as Scotland.

    Wales is a principality of England. It is not, nor never has been a seperate country. If England(and Wales) still wish a Political union with Northern Ireland.

    It will be known as, "England and Northern Ireland".

  4. It will still be the United Kingdom, just without Scotland.

  5. If scotland leaves the Uk, this will mean that hopefully Wales will also start to leave. Northern island may start thinking about it too maybe.

    Oh and Wales is a country, England is the principality of GB.

  6. Probably the United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Not hugely different to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as it is today.

    A better name would be The Rain Kingdom, or Queenieland, or NEWIT (the Northern Irish, Welsh & English Territories) .

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