
If Scotland proclaimed independence, would the Queen of the United Kingdom still be its Monarch?

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Or would the Scottish parliament have to vote on it?




  1. Hopefully not,  if they have any sense they will declare themselves a republic. Scotland needs to look to the future as an independent country within the EU with an elected head of state an not with a embarrassing and corrupt monarchy

  2. It depends what is meant by 'Independence'.

    Canada has QE2 as it's head of state, but is totally independent of the UK, though is still in the Commonwealth.

  3. If they didn't abolish the crown, then yes she would be the monarch still.

    But they could just as easily abolich the monarchy, and then she'd be the queen of bupkiss.

  4. YUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Canada's independent, and the Queen's still there.

    I don't think scotland really wants to be independent?

    It's media hipe.

  5. If Scotland proclaimed independence then the Queen of the UK would no longer be the monarch over Scotland. Instead they would make a new monarch or become a republic.

  6. Who cares - sooner they go it alone the better - stop my taxes from England paying to support them.

    Perhaps then all the Scottish Labour M.P's will bugger of back as well

  7. Only if she were invited to do so.

  8. The Scottish people would have to vote on it, as I am sure there would be a referendum.  As far as I know the SNP want to keep her as Head of State, or at least in line with her role in the other commonwealth countries.

  9. At the start of the new SNP government, First Minister Alex Salmond met with the Queen to discuss these matters and the First Minister says that she would remain Head of State as she is the decedant of the Scottish Monarchy.

  10. Presumably the Scottish parliament would have to decide. There is nothing inherently preventing the Queen from being  monarch of both England and Scotland - this was the situation that existed for over a century before the union of parliaments in 1707.

    Although there are republican members in the SNP, the party as a whole does not have a republican policy. If Scotland became independent, the Scottish parliament would have to decide:

    a) Republic or monarchy?

    b) If a monarchy, who should be king or queen - keep the existing royal family? keep the existing monarch or choose someone else e,g Princess Anne, who does at least support the Scottish rugby team? Choose a royal family from somewhere else - when Norway became independent in 1905 the Storting invited a Danish prince to become King Haakon VII.

  11. no, she wouldn't be, long time overdue, the Scots can run their own country

  12. I expect the Scottish Parliament would have to vote. There are republican elements within the SNP, but by no means do all members want to see Scotland become a Republic. I don't, for a start.

    English Queen? Learn your history. One, she's half Scottish. Her mother was the daughter of the Duke of Strathmore.

    Two. She's not the Queen of England, she's the Queen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

    Ignorance, eh? Clearly it's bliss in your case.

    Old Know All... nope, that's not right either. James the Sixth was a Stuart king. The current Queen is very definitely not descended from him since her ancestors down the male line of the family are distinctly Germanic.

  13. If Scotland declared independence, England would need to decide whether we still want the Queen as head of state.  She is queen because she is a descendant of James VI of Scotland who became James I of England.  His claim to the English throne came because he was a descendant of that Welsh usurper Henry Tudor.  We might have to bring back the Plantagenets and the most likely heir to that line is an Australian called Bruce.

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