
If Sen McCain's vetting team knew about Gov. Palin daughter's pregnancy why did he choose her as VP?

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I know my Republican friends are not gonna wanna hear this. But why did the attorneys involved in McCain's vetting process didn't advise him of the pitfalls of Gov. Palin's daughter's pregnancy and her other legal troubles? Then there is the length of time it took for Gov. Palin to get out ahead of all the rumors. I know it's a private family matter but Republican are usually quicker with getting ahead of a rumor. Now this story has become a distraction for the McCain/Palin ticket. Are the Republicans really slipping badly this year?




  1. because palin was the best choice for vice president

  2. I like Sarah Palin...

    she is a smart babe...

  3. You are a complete idiot and do not know the facts.  This was disclosed to McCain and he knew this when he made his selection.

  4. I believe they knew AND they played it beautifully.

    Obama's camp came out accusing the Palin's of covering up the pregnancy, that Bristol was the biological mother of her brother, etc. They even went so far as to doctor up photographs. And then....

    Palin and McCain told the hard truth (that the 17 year-old daughter is five months pregnant) and exposed just how low the Obama team will go to make life difficult for their opponents. Obama's team said nasty things about the daughter AND the infant. Some Obamacans went so far as to imply incest! That is snake-belly low. Funny when you consider that Obama says he is the candidate above such lowly operations.

  5. Maybe it was because McCain and his vetting team assume most Americans would be adult about the issue and realize that her 17 year old daughter was not running for vice-president.  This would make the whole thing a non-issue.  No one could have foreseen the childish locker room humor from the hypocrite Obama supporters to flood the internet in an attempt to make this child a campaign issue.  The situation has caused me to feel sorry for Obama even.  Obama made a national statement that the issue and the children were off limits, but his supporters are so out of control they refused to listen.  Once the news was out they where at their computers with drool dripping from their mouths as they frantically typed, one handed, their locker room slander and vulgar comments.  

  6. Because this is 2008, not 1958. Premarital s*x and pregnancy aren't that big a deal anymore. We're just happy the baby wasn't ground up into medical waste.

  7. Who cares! Not alot of people are going to even take the into consideration for the elections. It's something that is being publized more and more these days(teen pregnancy). Face the fact, it happenes weither people point it out or not. Plus it really shows the fact the she is pro-life, so she's got that on her side. im not saying its a good thing but that shouldnt be a factor to consider when voting.

  8. She is qualified for the job.  Her daughter is not running for VP.  Her legal troubles are minor.  Maybe there is more to meet the eye of the person that she fired.  


  9. What makes it an issue is the hypocritical way the Republican party feels it necessary to legislate the private life's and decisions of the American people. It just gets sooooooo old. Republicans threatening to make an amendment to prevent g*y marriages and then are caught trying to have g*y s*x in public bathrooms or trying to have s*x with underage male pages; they want to use abstinence as birth control when they can't get their own family members to abide by it and refuse to admit the truth: abstinence is not a feasible way of preventing teen pregnancy. Republicans want to force their views of religion and abortion on all citizens restricting the free will of the people. Republican hypocrisy is what makes it an issue.

    Palin is the poster child for why there is the need for separation of church and state. But I understand: part of the reason she was selected was to win over the disgruntled Hillary supporters and to win back all those members of the Christian right who became disillusioned with the GOP after discovering that Bush was no the Christian he made himself out to be.  

  10. do you really think mccain is good? i think he sucks and hope obama beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for mccain on this site..

  11. Because the GOP stands for Girls Often Pregnant.  

  12. Palin's daughter is irrelevant

  13. I think they are probably calculating (accurately in my case) that most Americans realize it has nothing to do with the election.  

    A 17 year old teen - even an intelligent, well-raised one - can end up  in stupid situations.  It is not always the fault of the parents.

  14. Palin and her husband should be thinking about their family of 5 not a presidential election.  

  15. Because anyone with a l**k of sense knows that this isn't an issue.  Are we voting for the 17 year old to run this country?  No.  We are voting for John McCain.  Personal lives, unless they are seriously affecting a person's job performance, should never be an issue anywhere.

    And, Tito, saying that just provokes the question:  Should Barack Obama be running for President since he has a young family?  His daughters are quite young, surely they should have their dad around a lot more, shouldn't they?  Why should he go off and play President when he has children to raise?  Don't agree with what I just said?  Well, think about how much sense what you said makes.  People with families have jobs all the time.

  16. He did not think it would be a problem. Maybe it would win over voters?


  18. who cares if her daughter is pregnant how many teens are pregnant now? it just shows she has the same struggles as a normal family does.Im not a McCain voter  but I dont think the pregnancy shouldd be an issue for us to decide

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