
If Splenda isn't sugar, what is it?

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If Splenda isn't sugar, what is it?




  1. I honestly don't know! It isn't sugar but it's "Made from sugar so it tastes like sugar" It's probably sugar and a bunch of chemicals.

  2. well in the commercial it says that 'it's made from sugar' so in a way it still is sugar-- but i don't know that technicial term for it or anything :D

  3. another one of your chemically altered processed foods

    designed to make Fat people feel better

    you take the time to learn I care less

    I only use C&H

  4. Splenda is a chemical call sucralose.

    The real chemical name is for sucralose is 1,6-dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-beta-D-fructofu...

    In europe it is call E955.

    Sucralose is not sugar. It is made from sugar, but the resulting chemical is far from sugar.

    To understand, you would need to know a little bit about chemistry.

    A chemical reaction turns sugar into subralose. Just like the chemical reaction that turns oxygen into carbon monoxide. In both cases, the resulting chemical is a poison.

    The class of chemicals that sucralose belongs to are call organochlorides. Organochlorides are typcally poisons.

    I got sick, for a long time, using Splenda.

    It took me five years to figure it out.

    Now, I am mad, at the FDA. And sad for the people who currently are using it and unknowingly are getting sick. Particularly children.

    Sadly, the package doesn't have to say Splenda or diet to have sucralose in it. You have to read the ingredients.

    carbon monoxide - made from oxygen so its like a breath of fresh air

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