
If Starbucks is so concerned with the environment, why do they use plastic cups?

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Starbucks claims to be the model for corporate environmental responsibility, and have gotten recognition for it, but they still use those clear plastic cups and lids for their frozen drinks, and sell bottled water in plastic bottles, none of which will ever break down in a landfill. Isn't this just yet another example of the hypocrisy of the environmental movement?

I still love their over-priced coffee, though...




  1. Excellent point. They're just doing it for publicity. They really don't care about whales or the rainforest. DOWN WITH PLASTIC.

  2. HAHAHA! Well at least you can admit that it is over-priced! Now if only you could admit its nasty! J/K, I don't care what you drink. Any way I agree that its ridicules. I truly do love the environment and always have, but big corporations do what will sell. THAT'S why they use the paper cups with a minuscule amount of recycled paper in them. They don't give a d**n about the environment but this so called "going green" is popular right now. Not that its one of the worst things that could be trendy but Starbucks thinks they will bring in customers this way and that's what they're about.

  3. they are no different than these fast food places that claim there meals are leaner and better than other restaurants..but at least starbucks laid claim to be the first resaurant on the moon when it comes to that...

  4. i think they false advertise so more people will buy them unless they are recyclable

  5. While I can never be accused of being a tree hugger, and like capitalism, I will give this idea to Starbucks for free.

    Sell reusable mugs/cups!  

    To make it more appealing, put a bar code ( or mag strip ) on the side so you can tie it to a gift card.  I would also think it would be a good idea, if it had a place for you to write what you wanted it filled with.

    Then when the coffee addicted people go into the shop, all they need to do is drop off there cup, and pick it up once it is filled.

    Hope someone from Starbucks is reading this.

  6. Because "going green" is a trend that companies have realized they can make money off. Why does Walmart have displays of "organic" shirts. Because they sell. Pretty much every business is like that.

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