
If Supplication (Dua) is worship....

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Narrated An-Numan bin Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him): The Prophet (PBUH) said:

"Verily, Supplication is worship. [Reported by AI-Arbaa (The four) and AI-Tirmidhi, graded it Sahih (sound)].

Narrated Anas (may Allah be pleased with him): The Prophet (PBUH) said:

Supplication is the Pith (essence) of worship?. [Reported by At-Tirmidhi with a full chain of narrators].

Narrated Abu Hurayrah (Ra): The Prophet (SAW) said:

Nothing is more honorable (most liked ) before Allah (SWT) than Supplication ?. [Reported by At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim graded it Sahih].


1. Why do Shias pray to Ali R.A. and 12 imams?

2. Why do Barelvis pray to Prophet Mohammad PBUH?




  1. Tawwassul isnt praying to other than Allah

    And it is sunnah- which has practiced by Muslims from the time of the sahaba onwards

    THe Wahhabi cult has considered it haram and shirk due to their ignorant sheikh Abdul Wahab so they rush to defend his error though Imam Ahmed said it was sunnah!!!

    and since when were you qualified to give tafsir?

    It has always been a matter of fiqh not aqida as the deluded wahabis make it

  2. Supplications takes us closer to Allah. Real closeness of Allah cause tears coming out of our eyes, help our sins washed and forgiven.

    With no sins left on our record, we get to enter heaven. What more do we need?

  3. We only pray to Allah.

  4. 1. Why do Shias pray to Ali R.A. and 12 imams?

    Shia's intentions are not to worship those imams but rather strive to have their supplications answered through them. Some people say it's shirk while others say it's sunnah. And as for myself... i will not induldge in an act that is not considered obligatory by all sects. Allah is our witness and he knows of our intentions very well. May Allah guide all muslims and reward the sincere for their pure intentions.

    Peace to you.

  5. "O' you who believe! Be mindful (of your duties) to Allah, and seek

         the means of approaching toward Him." (Quran 5:35)

    by explaining this they consider calling prophet or martyrs not polytheism.

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