
If The Debate Between B. Obama and J. McCain Is Even or Obama Does Not Score Will This Be Bad Omen For Obama?

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  1. The uss bIRAQ Obama is sinking FAST.

  2. debate results would be obvious

    but the media will continue to overlook obama

    inability to answer questions

    he whines    as he did against Hillary

    he hedges his answers

    when asked by George Stephanopoulos about hsi buddy William Ayers

    and then he just doesnt answer at all as he did at Saddleback

    so obama gets a pass no matter what he does at debates

    its the media's attempt to controll the election

    they are obviously in the tank for obama

    only will criticize McCain

    luckily most people that are fair  will see this

  3. its been a bad omen for the Democrats the moment they stabbed Clinton in the back.

    Obama, even though he will be studying the questions... will stumble around the question and never answer it straight forward.  I can't wait until McCain calls him on it.

  4. i dont know how he will do in the future, but obama has done VERY poorly in any setting without a teleprompter.

  5. No, because debating is not one of Obama's strengths.  Unless he makes a huge blunder in the debate, he will come off undamaged by any non-optimal performance.

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