
If The Senate made a decision, based on a lie should it be overturned?

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April 30, 2008.John McCain became a "Natural Born" Citizen by way of the US Senate, based on a lie!

"John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen' under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States."

--U.S. Senate Resolution, April 30, 2008.

McCain's birth on August 29, 1936, in what was then the Panama Canal Zone was announced in the English language Panamanian American, available here. The McCain campaign has declined to publicly release his birth certificate,

but a senior campaign official showed me a copy. Contrary to some Internet rumors that McCain was born outside the Canal Zone, in Colon, the document records his birth in the Coco Solo "family hospital."





  1. well post it for all to see! I have acopy of Obama's that shows he was not born but hatch from a chicken egg in Indonesia

  2. John McCain served in the military. He is ,was and will always be a citizen. As far as immigrants go I have felt for years that if the illegal immigrants want to become citizens they should have the opportunity to complete one term in military to prove themselves worthy and upon completion with an honorable discharge they should become citizens.

  3. Are you guys that desperate?

  4. It is pretty subjective that John McCain does not qualify as a citizen of the US but, this is a matter of law and its interpretation. The US Constitution does not define the term "natural born citizen"; however, it does confer on Congress the power:

    Although the Panama Canal Zone was not considered to be part of the United States,federal law states that "Any person born in the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this chapter, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States". The law that conferred this status took effect on August 4, 1937, one year after John McCain was born — albeit with retrospective effect, resulting in McCain being declared a U.S. citizen from birth.

  5. Do you have a scanner?  Maybe if you could somehow figure out how to post that document you claim to have, so that someone else could see it?  Oh, no...we should all just believe you, right?

    Anyone who believes this person actually has a copy of John McCain's Birth Certificate:  I have a Corpse of Big Foot in my freezer, that I would gladly sell you.

    By the way, the Senate did not make a "decision" in any case.  The resolution was just an affirmation of a pre-existing fact  - by the way, what was the vote on that resolution?  Do you really think it would have passed a Democrat-controlled Senate, if there were any doubt?

    And, by the way, BIKER DUDE:  There are a LOT of immigrants in the military, for exactly that reason.  The waiting period for citizenship is waived for anyone who serves honorably in the U.S. Military.  It is how my Mexican-born stepfather got his, and when I was in, I served with people from Thailand to Peru.

  6. Anyone who is born to American parents is automatically a natural born citizen of the USA.  From what i know, both of his parents are US citizens.

  7. The truth is that many military families stationed outside of the United States have given birth - and until this rhetoric about John McCain, no one ever questioned the fact that these children were U.S. citizens.

  8. John McCain has always been a US citizen ever since the moment of his birth.  I think you are delving into something that is above your pay grade.


    Yes, I am listening.  It does not matter where he was born.  He could have been born in France, or on the Moon.  It does not matter.  He was a natural born US citizen at the time of his birth because his parents were both US citizens.  This is all old news.  The senate resolution did not grant him citizenship it only confirmed their belief that he has always been a citizen.

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