
If The Zolex Hammer Driver is illegal - why doesn't it appear on USGA non-conforming driver list?

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I'm curious...

I've seen other posts stating the driver was illegal for use in USGA play, yet it does not appear on the USGA non-conforming driver list. What's the deal?




  1. They won;t submit it because it's a joke.  It's does not perform like the infomercial.  It looks like they filmed the infomercial at altitude also.  Which makes the ball stay in the air a long time.  They also have a long distance driver using the club.  Save your money.  It's a joke.

  2. that club is so incredibly stupid that the USGA just looked at it and chucked it in the fire.

  3. A club has to be submitted to the USGA by the manufacturer to be tested for compliance. The USGA does not go and and purchase golf gear for compliance testing. Apparently the folks that manufacture the "Hammer" know that it is non-conforming (probably due to head size and MOI) so they didn't bother with the expense of having it tested.

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