
If Tibet is part of China, is China part of Japan?

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And if you don't understand the analogy, you don't know your history - Japan has historically occupied and claimed China as a colony, exactly as China claims Tibet. So by China's logic, are they a subject of Japan?




  1. Yes, it is now, since China took it over.

  2. Of course not. It never has been. But of course Mongols tried once to invade Japan. And Japanese had their share of wars with China. Read history. But they were never part of each other. Except when Japan did rule Manchuria, norther China, from 1931 to 1945, But while Japanese treated as some "colony", Chinese were the ones ruling it under Japan. Japan even choose an emperor, Chinese, to rule it then.

  3. Japan is a island, but the chinese would like to have it.

  4. tibet isnt a part of china for the most part...and h**l no china has nothing to do with japan the countries have never gotten along...theybe been in wars with a history book please

  5. If Alaska was once part of Russia, was New York once part of the Inca empire?

    Try and make some sense boy.

  6. Wrong.

    China vs Tibet = China won in 1950 and crushed Tibet/CIA uprising in 1956-1959.

    China vs Japan = with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski; China gained their land back.

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