
If Tiger Woods himself finds nothing offensive in what analyst Kelly Tilghman said...?

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Why in the world is the netowrk suspending her? Another example of Political Correctness gone way overboard.

Who gives a ratts A rse if Al Sharpton was offended, he was not the one she was talking about.

Suspension -

Tiger says its not even an issue -

If Tiger says it's nothing, why was she suspended...absolutely assenine!!!




  1. I never thought Tiger would take it offensive.  Bad taste?  Maybe.  It's people like Al Sharpton that is holding us back as a society which believes all are equal.  Don't know why he always wants to play the race card.  I believe he does what he does just to make a name for himself, nothing but for his on benefit.  He'll never be a Martin Luther King but he sure tries hard.  Wake up Mr. Sharpton the days of segregation and oppression for the black race is long gone.  Stop trying to bring it back for your cause.

  2. Lets just let this topic go. Please. I would have fired her. As a sports journalist you HAVE TO KNOW BETTER>)

  3. I agree, however their are many people who take offense to many different racist implications or comments. Example black people who are angered at other black persons who use the N word, they are not using it negatively however it is still considered to be negative. These are people who are angered by the idea of racism and want it completely eliminated from the public eye. It was a mistake, we are all human, I don't think she should be suspended, but I do see how her actions have caused her this turmoil, nobody Else's. Do you honestly think that people(public/media) wouldent care? THats just not smart! Cause/effect, it was her fault (In just 2 weeks shes back) So its of little consequence either way.

  4. I don"t believe there was any racist intent in Kellys statement. The Golf Channel should be ashamed that they suspended her..  Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are two of the Biggest racists there are.. They try to make EVERYTHING a race issue

  5. Al Sharpton trying to hang unto the Politically correct and race cards.

    Al should change his last name to harpton, that is less offensive to me, than the reminder of the pain I get when I poke myself with something sharp.

  6. I totally agree wtih you. From my understanding is that Tiger and her are fairly good friends and that is why he didnt take offense to it.  But I do see their point she was basically saying in order to beathim at anything you will have to kill him.  Which was not proper to say.  So I guess they just have to set and explain for other people that newscasters need to keep their personal comments to themselves.

  7. I asked the same question about why Al Sharpton gets to decide what's racist...

    this was crazy and I feel bad for the girl.  It's because she is white... I am a buckeye fan (and been taking my mediciene all week)... anyway cbssportsline had a black writer that called the OSU team "slow ***" "corn feed bullies"... now if a white writer writes something about "inner city kids" then you bet Al and Jessi are there to make sure they lose their job.

    Its all money for Al and Jessi... I think the NAACP may have run out of things to do; and this is whats left.  I am not saying there isnt racism... but it's on both sides and it truly starts with Sharpton and Jackson.

  8. I say lynch Al Sharpton ... one of the most racist people in america ... who has done more harm to race relations in america than any other single person of our generation (though jessie jackson is a close second)

  9. You have to remember where Tiger's bread and butter is coming from...  He will keep kissing up as long as those fat paychecks are coming in...

    He is an idiot for saying, "It's ok."  Its not ok and what she said is unforgiveable.

  10. Simple:  Tiger Woods is a respectable adult and Al Sharpton is a petulant child.  Unfortunately, the mainstream liberal media panders to petulant children...

  11. First off Tiger Woods, from his own mouth, is not an African American, see brackets below

    {In a sport considered by many as "white"-and viewed by some as racist-Tiger Woods is often described as the "Great Black Hope." His mother, Tida, as she is called by friends, bristles at this description.

    "To call Tiger black is to deny my existence," she told Newsweek last year. "You know what my grandfather on my mother's side is? Dutch! White! Hah!"

    While Woods writes "Asian" on forms requesting ethnicity-"Actually, I'm 90 percent Oriental, more Thai than anything," he's said-Tiger feels his ethnicity should never be an issue. And, if he is a role model, it's simply because some people want him to be. }

    Second of all to define lynching:

    lynch /lɪntʃ/ Pronunciation Key -

    –verb (used with object) to put to death, esp. by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.

    Nothing about race that I see there. Sure there is the connotation of it associated with African Americans, but... ummm.. Tiger is NOT African American.

    Enough already of blaming present generations for sins of the past. We are all responsible for ourselves, no more VICTIM mentality!

  12. the first major network with a woman lead announcer . i hope tiger calls the golf channell and expresses his opinion . this is tigers decision , not some jackass suit who kelly can outperform on the golf course but in the announce booth . no harm no foul . tiger is ok if there was a insulted party tigers decision his only . golf channell needs the young lady . golf channell . needs tv does tv need the golf channell . i dont and wont graet question

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