
If Toseland gave up poncing about on stage would he be a better racer ?

by Guest59045  |  earlier

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If Toseland gave up poncing about on stage would he be a better racer ?




  1. Hey J.T. is ranked 8th so if poncing around gets u in the top 10 keep on poncing. maybe he can ponce into the top 5.

  2. Jealousy is a very cruel mistress.

    She is making you very green my friend.

    Lets see:

    Rich - tick

    Fast - tick

    Fully supported ride - tick

    Good looking lad - tick

    World famous - tick

    Talented - tick

    Multi skilled - tick

    Travels the world - tick ............... etc.

    You ? Who knows mate.

  3. 'Poncing' - in Noun or Verb ???????????

  4. Ha ha Toseland does indeed ponce about. Good call. :)

  5. probably not, but it would make him less of a tosser. lol

  6. A a Mr mamola said he has to focus on the moto GP instead of having so many other commitments eg music

  7. I dunno mate - everyone has to do something to chill out, at least he's not getting outed for having n**i style S & M s*x parties with a bunch of hookers - as far as I know!

  8. What is it with you and Toesland or Hodgeson. Might it be Like Wiggysan says and your a little bit jealous. Or is it that you might fancy these boys a bit. why don't you just send them a email asking for a date. its the 21st century. no one care which way you swing. just stop boring the rest of us.

    Maybe you should change your middle name to Gob

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