
If U Become the PM of india, what kind of decision you will make to improve and develope the country ?

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The matter is related to economic developement.

You may be in favour of government decisions

or may be against the government decisions

but here the question is only getting your ideas




  1. i will  make new inventions which r helpful for poor. i will fine everybody who try tospit or dirty it. NO CHILD LABOUR.

  2. Hand out condoms.

  3. Nuclear attack on Pakistan

  4. Take steps to reduce population rise, reduce corruption and bribery.

  5. Follow the Chinese model and set up a dedicated area of economic development, giving as many governmental incentives as possible.

    Like China, India has a vast untapped labour force with incredibly low wage costs. This should be used to rapidly increase to G.D.P.  

  6. have a fight with the USA

  7. first i shall try to reduce corruption and black money. because we have lot of money to work with but in black. remove all reservations but to help economically weaker sections specially in education. provide scolarship to economically weaker but brilliant students from very beginning to till their study. shall limit time for all types of complaints and court cases. there are so many things more to do. rest shall do when become pm.


  8. First and foremost the country needs more power we must find how to generate and distibute power economically and alternate energy to be explored. In this direction country should exploit  neuclear energy which will be economical. In the absence of alternate energy our entire economy  and our planning is going hay wire.  As PM I should give top most priority to this sector. If neccessary we should enlist the cooperation of private sectort also. An econimically strong nation can do wonders.

  9. Dear friend,

    I wll follow Gandhian philosophy of having a classless society with no discrimination of caste and creed. Economically, There will be uniform tax policy for all the factions of the society irrespective agriculturists.

    Government will monitor that every complaint is disposed off within a specified time period may it be 7 days,15 days or a month. We will have to continue with the present foreign policy of non-alignment.


  11. Same what Mr.Manmohan is doing.That is the best.

  12. ..First of all I would apply the "one child" rule for every Indian citizen..

    then I would conserve the forests.. and destroy the unwanted Industries...and so and so...

    and have only one choice for criminals: "HANG it"...

  13. Kill all the illegal immigrants, homosexuals, dregs of the society who dont have a job or the inclination to work for their own food, abolish reservations in public institutions and organisations. Corporatize the government, set up a Central Security Command Centre where the army and the reginal police can collaborate to curb terrorism.  

  14. Seems like they are already upgrading their economy by moving in American companies and jobs at a quick pace.

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