
If U Buy A Server You get 100Mbit Connection??!?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna know that if i buy a server (like 1and1 or from godaddy) they giving 100Mbit net connection with every package .. my question is .. can i use that 100mb net speed in my pc?? or its only for my website visitors?

I may be dumb to understand from that site details.. i just confused with this.. so anyone please reply .. please..

Thank You..




  1. 100mb lan speeds are pretty much the norm these days. Even my 6 year old dell laptop has a 100 mb lan card.

  2. OK.  Lets clarify things.

    The server will give you 100mb connection to and from the server.  Any non-wirelessnetwork card (including the one in your regular PC) will give you 100 mb.

    However - your ISP probably is NOT giving you 100mb over their Internet line.  The standard is under 20.

    Does not matter how fast your network card is (server or not), it can not go any faster than your ISP is tranferring the data.  They are the ones limiting the speed, not your PC.

    If you were to buy a server, you will still be limited to the speed of your ISP, which is usually under 100mb.

  3. Unfortunately no.

    Your server has a 100mbps connection, but that doesn't mean your home does. You will simply go the maximum speed of your existing connection.

    There are other factors that play into your connection speed such as the number of routers you must pass through to reach your server, also referred to as "hops." The more hops you have, the slower requests are to the server.

  4. 100mb bandwidth of the SERVER not YOU :P

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