
If UFO sightings were real, why on Earth would NASA ever cover them up?

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Think about it! NASA has had funding problems for decades. If they suddenly came out with evidence for all these aliens they're supposedly covering up, they'd get all the funding they needed?

Why don't UFOlogists consider this?




  1. I am not sure, but my guess would be that scienctist are testing on the allians and if they would tell the public than people would start protesting to stop testing on alians and everything would get out of hand.

  2. it really amazes me how many people think that aliens have visited earth and the government is covering it up. It doesn't make sense

  3. idk you always here about how the airforce trys to run down ufo's only to have them zip away at the last second...

  4. I can only speculate, since I don't know the real reasons. What if they are us coming back from the future, and they contacted nasa and told them something we needed to know? They also said if they let people know it will change history forever.Again I don't know but I have seen a UFO twice in my lifetime.Once it may have been a satilite but the other was about 60ft over my head and it was hugh.

  5. Watch the documentary "The Missing NASA Transmissions" to see that NASA does hide information from us, the public - who fund them.  Also the claims from "The Disclosure Project" ... which say the same thing - NASA airbrushes photographs to erase evidence of UFOs, etc...

    NASA has it's own agenda - wanting to be the monopoly for space exploration etc --- it has it's own ego.  Just witness the accidents of the space shuttle - how design and operational faults were ignored by the hierarchery at NASA, jeopardising safety, so as to carry on with missions regardless.  Instead of being concerned about safety, it cares more about it's reputation to fulfill it's mission objectives.

  6. national security. if we hav contact with em or even seen em they cover it up bcuz if the ytell the truth we got 30 countries ridin our as about it and we dont want taht do we?

  7. Because if they came out with actual Alien findings, it would cause a complete and utter break-down of our current society.

    Think about it: If it was true that there was an advanced race hovering around our planet our religious system would take a massive beating, the markets would crash due to chaos (it would be FAR worse then the crash in the 30s), and people would be stockpiling weapons faster then you could blink. You would have countries suddenly terrified for their power and standing in the world, and if NASA WAS in contact, that would mean the goverment had been hiding it from other countries which would lead to furthure conflicts.

    Now the aliens. They could be peaceful, they could be a war-obessed race, they could be slavers, they could be looking for resourses or they could be looking for a new home, or they just consider us oddities and want nothing to do with us.

    It's just too risky at this point in our civilization to just announce: "Hey guys, there's an advanced alien population hovering around us, but don't worry they friendly. At least we 'think' they're friendly."

  8. Its a great question and I can not speak for UFOligists.

    I agree with you.

    I think theres more excitement, publicity, and money in conspiricy and myth than in approaching these questions scientifically.

  9. NASA means Not A Straight Answer.It's in their nature to cover things up.

  10. They would probably get mass hysteria too ... people would be going insane... just like they did in Independce Day, running all over the place insane with fear. If everyone was running into churches thinking it was the end of the world at 9/11 think how they would react to knowing about aliens.

  11. cuz people would freak out and stuff

  12. They say it's because people aren't ready to know and there would be chaos, but that's obviously untrue.  Something like half of the population *already* believes that aliens are here and kidnapping people and doing anal probes and stuff.  If they were going to freak out, they already would have freaked out because they already think it's happening.

  13. I am reminded of K from Men in Black.  He said something like...

    "the individual maybe ok but people in general are crazy."


    K and J were talking about the same thing as you are.

    And he makes a point.

  14. Not only wouldn't they, they COULDN'T.  Too many people would know for sure, if they could.  And whoever broke the news story with real evidence would instantly become so famous and well-known that nobody would ever have a chance of "hushing them up."

    And that's not taking into account that the type of person who works for NASA is generally the kind of person who revels in the free exchange of knowledge.  Being quiet about such a major discovery would be against their very nature.  You might find a few people who would be quiet about that, but not enough.

    Therefore a conspiracy is a loony theory, which is why you'll find loonies galore believing it (and thumbs-downing this, no doubt.)

    The only other explanation is if the aliens would be very frickin' dangerous if their existence were generally known... in which case the UFOlogists themselves are threats to themselves and humanity for risking exposure, and should be locked up before their suicidal impulses harm other people.

    Take your pick, it still means UFOlogists need to be committed.

  15. Good question.

    UFOs are seen in other countries too, so it is not just US government agencies that are keeping this a secret.  It is at least a dozen countries round the world, more likely a hundred different countries.  

    How likely do the UFO freaks think that is?

    UFOs usually become IFOs or identified flying objects, or they are FFO's or faked flying objects.

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