
If US Senators do nothing and gives you no experience: why has McCain done nothing for 20 years?

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I guess his only qualifications for president then is that he was shot down and became a POW. Too bad he never mentions that.




  1. Exactly. This is my qualm with the GOP in general. They have such a high level of double talk it's sick. One second Obama is not experienced enough. So they choose some woman from a place that is barely a state who has just as little experience as him but say that she has "executive" experience. BS she hasn't barely been there 1 1/2 years. Now that people are bringing up McCains lack on executive experience they will probably cut him out and make Palin Pres. Like Cheney all over again.

  2. I am not a McCain fan, but at least he had a military command. He at least had to make some executive decisions.

    So it boils down to this:

    Obama/Biden =


    No Exec. Exp/ No Exec. Exp

    McCain/Palin =

    Not a lawyer/Not a Lawyer

    Some Exec Exp./Several Years Exec. Exp.

    Hopefully Palin can teach McCain Something

  3. Considering most of the legislation of the last 100 years Id say doing nothing should have been a positive consideration by both sides this election.

  4. what about McCain-feingold

    he helped override the comprehensive anti apartheid act

    the 88 indian gaming regulatory act

    what did obama do

  5. Great question.

  6. No silly, O'Bama has done nothing. He was in office for only a seventh of his first term when he started running for President. He's never written anything in state or federal and if he thought a vote would look iffy in his presidential run he voted present. Not yea or nay.

    And if you know anything about McCain this is the most he's ever said about being a POW. In his 20 years he didn't make it a point and took many trips to see active military that were quiet, not meant for pr so no press.

    And I would advise this would be you last attempt to denigrate any POW. It was the worst of torture and he and others survived years.

    Honor their service that enables  you to have freedoms and be safe.

    P.S. To comment, it hasn't been McCain talking all the POW, mostly his supporters. It denigrates POW's because you seem to have limits on them  having their story told. As far as I am concerned, any of them can talk and keep on talking. Again, the majority of the discussion this week it to support McCain it is the RNC, so if anywhere a candidate gets his story told is there.  

    It wasn't all US Senators, it was O'bama, and his many votes of present that doesn't qualify as experience.

    Difference between a football player just showing up for practice and the ones who play on game day.

  7. McCain has a record of achievement in Congress

    Does Obama

    Maybe you can link us to one of the laws he has sponsored or written

  8. McCain has sponsored 537 bills since Jan 21, 1993, of which 340

    haven't made it out of committee and 31 were successfully enacted, several of the bipartisan.

    What has Obama written besides his memoirs?

  9. You need to consider the time frame involved.

    McCain was a congressman for several years and went on to being in the senate for three terms.

    And of course leave it to the typical, small-minded left-wing mentality to make light of him being captured and tormented for nearly six years during the war.

    Maybe what he has done as a senator doesn't excite you, but then how can Obama? He has done absolutely NOTHING. McCain was in the military and in politics before Obama was even in his mid-twenties. He has far more political experience than him in every single way. That one man has more experience and is more qualified than the Obama/Biden ticket combined.

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