
If USA and Canada would join into one country, would you care?

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I know a North American Union is in the works and people get quite emotional about it but economically speaking, having this USA/Canada border is costing us a lot of money and economic hardship on both sides of the border. Wouldn't this be of benefit to both sides to join into a bigger power?




  1. To most non american/Canadian people its all the same place. I am Australian and to me Canada and america are just the same place with a boarder that hodes alaska and it has a difrent government (Witch is highly like the other) its just like Australia and New zealand people always think they are the same

  2. I would care. America and Canada have a large cultural difference starting with a language barrier. If we (I'm from US) merged we might not boost the economy. I bet you that the US and Canada have trading amongst us. That would hurt. Canada's heritage is very different from ours. They were settled by the French. The US by the British. We couldn't merge with Canada because Canada has Quebec and Quebec wants to become its own nation. Then Canada's problems with Quebec would carry over to our problems to, and the Canadians would have to deal with our problems as much as we would. We would gain some things. We would get oil in the Nanuvat and other territories, Canada's high prices on goods, and a larger curling program. (By the way, curling is the most pointless sport ever. The sweepers make me laugh.) The Canada-US merge would cause nothing but confusion mostly AND we would have to Change our name to "The United States and Provinces of Americanada.

  3. Canada wants no part of it. They have oil, water and the arctic. They have plenty of resources and energy.  People there have common sense and won't let Americans steal what they have. They like their neighbors but are quite different and sovereign. No luck buddy go to Mexico.

  4. why should you even care, as if you are the one feeding the nation!

  5. Why would Canada agree to this? They have everything to lose and nothing to gain out of it.

    NO, I'm against it. When you idiots destroy America, I need a peaceful country to go to where I can live my life happily amongst educated people.

  6. You forgot Mexico... they would be part of the North American Union also...

    Hmmm... maybe Mexico wouldn't make much difference anyway... half their people are already here

  7. Like there health care plan, minimum wage, but don't like their climate, so wouldn't care if territories were divided into equal states. Quebec became independent country. Wonder what new flag would look like. And we stayed with our measuring system.  

  8. don't care

  9. I would oppose such a measure.   There is too much cultural difference between the two countries to ever really be formed into one union.

  10. i wouldn't care

    also i think we could do much better job of managing mexico than  mexicans do

  11. I personally think that would be cool, but then there'd be nowhere to run when they try to draft us!! haha. Maybe run to mexico? Ew.

    But seriously, I don't think canada would ever want to lose it's own independence as a recognized western nation. The U.S. would like it though, because it's greedy and domineering.

  12. I dont know. I live right by a board in niagara falls. I would care but i like it how it is. When obama is elected, its going to be all good

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