
If USA builds steel barrier in south border, how did 31 cubans crossed to USA from Mexico undetected?

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If USA builds steel barrier in south border, how did 31 cubans crossed to USA from Mexico undetected?




  1. By water? Don't the cubans usually overfill rafts and paddle across the gulf to Florida? After all Cuba is an island.

  2. all cubans are part of the wet foot dry foot act but i really don,t know how they crosssed from mexico to this country .

    we should let them all in here .

  3. They haven't built the barrier. But even if they did, the cockroaches would just tunnel under it.

    What we need to do is enforce our laws. Without work, the cockroaches will have to return home.

  4. Two hundred miles of two layer fence has been built so far. Another 500 miles is planned to be completed next year.

    Why worry about 31 Cubans when 1 million Mexicans are crossing illegally per year.

    Sounds like you are just trying to get the heat off the Mexicans eh amigo?

  5. By water?

  6. Why would Cubans cross from Mexico?  They are able to get refugee status in the US by simply putting their feet on Florida.  It makes no sense that they would travel through Mexico first and risk Mexican prison for illegal entry. That just doesn't make any sense.  Link please.  Otherwise, I assume it's nonsense.

  7. Actually, it makes a lot of sense for Cubans to come in this way, and more are doing it all the time. The wet foot, dry foot policy means that if you're picked up at sea, you get sent back to Havana. But, it also means that if you come in across the border, on foot, there's no possibility that you will be sent back. Since the US Coast Guard and Navy don't patrol Mexican waters, they don't have to worry about that when going to Mexico. But going to Florida will always be a risk.

    As for how they crossed undetected, well, the fence, or the portions of it that are built only channels illegals into certain areas, it hasn't really stopped anyone. But while the US Border Patrol can and does pick up Mexicans, Brazilians, Salvadoreanos and many others, the moment the Cubans cross the line, they are home free, and can't be detained or deported.

  8. About the 31 Cubans, I think a different policy applies to them because they are not "immigrants." They are exiles, escaping from their communistic government.

    Another thing to add. Why does Mexico always get the blame? Not every illegal is of Mexican descent. They come from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, even Palestine! (I have a friend whose cousin is Palestine and is illegal!) So answerers, it not just Mexico. It's every country, in one way or another.

  9. Only parts of it have been built.  Some of the fence is hasty and poorly designed.  However, as time has moved on with the fence in place, it is selling itself and the mediocre portions of the fence will probably be upgraded.

    However, there is a  lot of money to be earned in border cross traffic.  I don't know how much is dope, and the feeling on the border is that we should kill the users rather than deprive them of their garbage.  They appose the fence and with gusto.  Frankly, I would support killing the users and stopping the garbage at the border.  But there are segments of the population that are fighting the fence hard and all of it has not been built by a long shot.

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