
If USA nukes all the countries which have petroleum, would the petroleum still be usable?

by Guest44546  |  earlier

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I mean, it could be used to the last drop with no restrictions, and at a cheap price, and the lives of many marines would be saved. These marines could be used then rather to plant trees and other environmental stuff.




  1. probably,but the price would not go down

  2. A stupid question deserves a stupid answer, but I'll give it a go anyway.

    You seem to be ignorant to the environmental damage that using a nuclear bomb would cause. The radiation created in bombing every oil producing nation would cripple the entire planet, including the USA, and would result in widespread death from radiation poisoning and cancer. Global warming would be meaningless under those conditions, so I wouldn't worry about freeing up marines to plant trees.

  3. No.

    If the USA nukes all the countries which have petroleum, it's pretty much destroying the world. Petroleum exists in almost every country, but is some countries the amount is too small to pump out.

    If the USA nukes them all (includes USA too), the petroleum wouldn't be usable because no one will be alive to use it!

  4. This is probably the stupidist thing I have heard in all of my 57 years.  But to answer your basic question, petroleum reserves would be uneffected.  They are deap underground and would not even know a nuclear weapon had been detonated.  Much of the infastructure needed to recover these reserves would, however, be destroyed or severly damaged.  Think what happened to New Orleans after Huricane Katrina.  The oil refineries were still their, as were the oil wells in the Gulf, but it was quite some time until we were able to get them all running again.

  5. given that the US has petroleum just remember to nuke that too, preferably take the lead and nuke Texas first.

    Survivors would need all the fuel to heat through the resulting global winter, and would have no food.

    but otherwise good plan

  6. There wouldn't be anyone left to use the petroleum.

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