
If United States stopped making pennies, what would you do with your leftover pennines?

by  |  earlier

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With my leftover pennines, I would gave them to a poor country so they can use it for food, clothing, education, etc. Just because America do not have the need for pennines, they should give it to somebody else who need it.




  1. I throw them to the nearest lake & make my wishes.

  2. I would save them up to see if one day they would be worth more than what they actually are right now, or whenever that did happen.

  3. I need my pennies. I would trade them in but I don't have any because I use them.

  4. use them as a paperweight or fill them in a bag and use to lift for exercise to build muscles

  5. I say put them on the space shuttle and send them back to heaven.

  6. If America stopped making pennies, I would save all my pennies because they would be very valuable someday.

  7. ...........................................

  8. I would keep some pennies because in a hundred years they might be worth something as an "artifact." With the remainder of my pennies I would probably take to the bank or cash in.

  9. Melt them down and sell them for scrap metal. 1 penny is worth about 3 cents melted. Go figure that one out. But... it costs about 7 cents to melt down 3 pennys. Is there profit in that?

  10. i would put them on the railroad and let the train smash some of them and make a necklace out of them./ then i woul save a few then the rest i would cash in for other

  11. I dont know about anyone else, but I am going to spend my pennies. It may take a while to count money,bit I am going to carry my pennies around, and spend them.Then the question will be, "What is the 'government' going to do with all of these pennies?" lol

  12. I think getting rid of the penny is a bad idea.  They all add up.  People are just being lazy and stupid.

  13. Well, I think if the U.S. stopped making pennies the government would do a penny collection and melt them down to make something else, so I would give them back, hey they might even pay you for them too. Or, like when I was a kid, I would superglue them to my ceiling... It looked really cool...but it sucked when we had to move... my dad wouldn't let me take my ceiling.

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