
If Useless, Stupid, Childish, Hurtful Answers Weren't Allowed on This Site, How Many People Would Be Left?

by  |  earlier

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Do you get tired, frustrated, and annoyed by many of the answers here?




  1. well honestly, alot.

    not many ppl leave hurtful and stupid answers. sometimes, the question is so stupid, its a natural reaction to put a stupid answer also. its kinda like a duh moment. and plus, its the internet. there are so many sarcastic ppl around, its really uncountable.

    and sometimes, its okay to get a hurtful answer when its the truth. after all, we all know that the truth burns. so why ask something when you know you're bound to get an honest and hurtful question, right?

    i hope this answered your concern. (:  

  2. Hey that rude and you post this on the  Etiquette category I'm 14 but look at me I'm a Top Contributor and your not so I wouldn't be talking if I were yoy.Yes their stupid answeres somtimes but that doesn't nesserily mean it's a teeneger does it.

  3. I get annoyed by the immaturity, so I do my best to answer in a helpful manner.

  4. {sound of crickets chirping}

    {footage of tumbleweed blowing by}

    But seriously, if a person posts in a public forum, ALL replies are valid and permissible, as long as they actually address the question posed or poster's self-delusion with respect to said question.

    It's the morons who post IDK just to boost their points that get up my craw.

  5. I get really sad of seeing some of the mean answers.. It's very unnecessary and I don't know why people can be so mean to say things like that! Some questions make no sense but don't reply by being mean.. And there are some questions that make perfect sense but there always have to be someone with the rude comment... but you can't seem to satisfy people anymore.. So don't worry, you're not alone. x-x

  6. I try not to be useless, stupid, childish, or hurtful. I kind of like reading stupid and childish answers though :)

    But useless and hurtful answers do annoy, tire, and frustrate me.

  7. Sometimes it's the questions that evoke these negative responses.

  8. No - I appreciate the humour as sometimes that is what one of your 'friends' would actually say to you.

    It's the questions that get me.  Like "how hot am I?" or "am I pregnant/ iz my girlfren pregnant?"  I cannot imagine how lonely / desperate / insecure these people must be.  Are they for real?

    These questions warrant a negative response.

  9. Probably a third would be left. Yes I do get annoyed by  them, I try to avoid reading their comments, if I know who they are. Some topics are worse then others. There are so many mean spirited people who ask questions and leave rude answers in the religion section. So I mostly avoid that topic. It is nice to have a forum to exchange ideas, but so many people do  not want to act kind to others, so they use this forum to be rude and disrespectful. Just wait and see how many rude comments you will get from this question. It's sad.

  10. I agree some are stupid, childish  but most of all that Go*dam spell checker annoys me the most!!!

  11. then the R&S section would be empty as a desert

  12. If that was the case then several sections would have to be shut down.

  13. 1/4 of all of them

    not many people insult you or be rude on answers-that is, to me

  14. I wouldn't come on here. Those kinds of answers give me a good laugh. Others are fun to send emails to letting them know how much of an a*****e they are and how I hope they burn in h**l for that.

  15. i would

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