
If Vampires are real...then what exactly is a vampiree?????

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If Vampires are real...then what exactly is a vampiree?????




  1. Psychic vampires exist (I am one) they feed off of others chakra for their aura to be stable

  2. a vampire by legend a ruthless killer but this is not true. vampires can just be people whove had a blood transplant to a person who must feed off of other peoples energy.

  3. vampires are real in folklore but not in real word,

  4. A vampire is a human who has a will, or a need, for blood. Yes, they are real, but they can't do stupid si-fi stuff like morphing.

    Sometimes the description for them is a ruthless killer, a person who has a need for killing.


    hope this helps☺☻☻☺☺☻

  6. a vampiree is a Blood sucker women!!

    She robs you blind~!~ takes ur card money and all...

    Strips you naked.. make you stand in the living room with a lampshade over ur head...

    it's cruel stuff... than she tell you she's gonna call you.. and never calls back!!! "DUN DUN DUN" there basically she-devils!! beware!! =)

  7. no, a myth....

  8. We do exist. Vampires are not like those in the movies or books, we don't drain unwilling victims of their blood. We have kind people who are called donors and they give us the blood or energy we need. Vampires are people who have energy deficiency and need to get that energy by taking it from other people. We don't die in the sun, can't fly, no super powers, can cross running water, garlic, holy water and the cross don't phase us (because we are not demons we are just different to normal people), we can see better at night than in the day, heightened senses, we do age(just not as fast) and we aren't immortal.

  9. I'm a vampire so they are real. No joke not kidding. What do you want to know about me?

  10. There are no immortal vampires sucking out blood. There are psi-vampires that drain astral energy from the land around them and people around them. Many follow a set of guidelines to keep their feeding ethical, but just as many don't.  There are reports and evidence of "immortal" psi-vamps. These are the astral bodies of dead psi-vamps that move without a physical body and continue to feed. There are also people who do drink blood, but most of them have a mental condition that leads them to believe they need blood. Some of these may be true blood vampires, but I can't even prove this to myself.

  11. psychic vampires are real don't know what a vampiree is though...

  12. They're very real. They're not the monsters Stoker tells us about. We're just people who have the need and strong urge to feed off of blood or energy. We don't burst into flame in the sun, most of us just have an extreme aversion to it. Just think of us as people. We are a bit different, and we need to live off of others' energy, but we're just people.

  13. they suck blood

  14. They are not real so don't worry about it. There are some purported vampires, but they are just a subculture of otherwise normal people focusing on a the dark imagery of the myth. The main theme in vampirism is power and who controls it.

    In some modern "vampire" circles, the object of desire is not blood but the transference of psychic energy. However, you should not worry because even if this were possible, the people who claim to be psychic vampires only feed off the energy of willing victims and no one dies.

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