
If WWE and TNA were real (shoot wrestling).........?

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how would it be and would it still be entertaining?

could anybody beat wrestlers like big show and khali?

would there even be wrestlers like rey mysterio and x - division stars on the rosters?

would steroids even matter anymore?

would this just be extremely horrible jacked up human c**k fighting?

would this be UFC?




  1. There would be a lot of injuries - and it would just be really - not a very clean sport - a few deaths too  

  2. it would be brutal

    ppl would die lol

  3. Well not like UFC because in shoot wrestling no hitting just pure grapling.

    It wouldn't be interesting because of the storylines and hardcore matches gone.

    They would beat them but the question is would they even join.

    Rey Mysterio wouldn't be wrestling because he can't do his high-flying moves.

    Steroids would not matter but it would appear the wrestlers invincible.

    It would last for hours and fans would lose interest in it.

    It would be stupid.

  4. It would probably be UFC-like and there would be rules.

    The X/Cruiserweights would be fine because there would likely be weight classes.

    The giants would likely have their own class, but if it were everyone in one class, I could see someone like Tomko or Booker taking down a giant, but they aren't very small themselves, so that probably doesn't count.  But there's no way someone like Rey or Jeff Hardy would stand a chance against someone like Show.

  5. It would suck and be closed down.

  6. It'd be a lot more exciting!!!

  7. It wouldn't be as entertaining. Legit tough guys like Regal, Santino, and Shad would dominate

    To the OP; look up Santino's background info. He's not a guy you would want to fight

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