
If/When they get there,?

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which of these three do you think will do the best in Sprint Cup competition?

Brad Keselowski

Steven Wallace

Cale Gale




  1. Brad Keselowski and the others will not be too shabby either with more experience and stay away from Denny Hamlin

  2. i hope it's cale gale - i like his name the best, especially as he was named after another famous driver named cale.  

    and i fear steven "boomhauer" wallace.  i have no clue how his crew chief and spotter can understand anything that boy says - i sure can't and i lived in the south many's no wonder he's in so many wrecks...

    so that leaves brad.  he needs to get a "faster" name.  just like tony stewart said in the home depot commercial - "one thing i know about racing - colorful cars just go faster."  brad k needs a racing name...  a name that says "look at me...i'm fast" ;-)

  3. Brad Keselowski

    Steven Wallace I've heard has seizures in the car(something like that)


    I have HEARD it I didn't make it up myself!!!

    I answered 2 minutes ago and already 2 thumbs downs?!

  4. Brad Kesolowski by a long shot.

  5. Keselowski no doubt.  The boy is good.

  6. I think Brad Keselowski will do the best when he gets to Cup Racin!!

  7. I'm going to biased  with my answer, Steve Wallace. I think when he matures a bit more he will be fine. I bet your shocked with this answer huh?

  8. I say brad, he seems like a good racer whos gonna have a good career.

  9. Keselowski - he's got a lot of spunk in him.  I like that.  He'll probably get his clock cleaned one day soon & he'll mature from it.  He surely has the potential.  Heck, he's a better driver now than Jr, his car owner.

    Next I would say is Steven Wallace.

  10. Hate to say it but Brad Keselowski probably will.

  11. yes



  12. Brad Keselowski (who grew up less than an hour from me, so he has a fan regardless!  Over Labor Day weekend when I went home to MI, I went to a local short track race and met him in the pits!  I was happy :)  )

    I am not sure about Cale Gale yet.  He really is just sort of there.  

    Steven Wallace terrifies me.  I don't want him in Cup.  Juan Pablo and Robby Gordon wreck people enough.  Steven wrecks 3X the cars the other 2 do combined!

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