
If Yahoo charged a fee for using YA but the fee was used to properly monitor malicious reporting...?

by  |  earlier

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... how much would you be prepared to pay per month?




If people had to pay then Yahoo would have a record of bank details and would be in a better position to permanently ban trolls, ranters etc.




  1. I wouldn't, I would vote that they just take the d**n report button off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I wouldn't pay a dime. It would give me motivation to stop compulsively wasting time here.

  3. A whole penny.

    Thats more than enough.

  4. I would move over to one of the other better monitored sites such as WikiAnswers or Answer bag.

    I stay here because I am strangely attached to dysfunctional Yahoo and the people on it. If charges were introduced I don't see many would stay when there are free alternatives available.

  5. Honestly? £0. One of the main attractions of Y!A is being able to get answers for free. Otherwise, people would probably just go pay a professional. Though I agree, proper monitoring is a necessary thing, trolls don't affect me enough to pay for their departure...I don't think such measures would ever permanently ban a troll; their too persistent.

  6. if there was a fee, i would be gone.

  7. $0 because the problem isn't malicious reporting it's poor software.  Yahoo makes its money on advertising and searches, and relies on that.  It also claims the right to use all contributions as shared intellectual property and provides no royalties whatsoever to contributors.

    There are large numbers of people who would monitor content free of charge purely for the kudos of doing so.

    The reason the system doesn't work is not a lack of capital or manpower, it is laziness and indifference to the user base and community.

    In my view.

  8. if i had to pay..

    you wouldnt see me here at all.

  9. As of now, YA properly monitor malicious reporting, free of cost.  I am satisfied with the present status and deem it proper.

  10. I wouldn't pay ... Advice,knowledge and opinions are free... :)

  11. I'll do it for free!

  12. Nothing.

    Since malicious reporting will be properly monitored, the site will be more attractive than ever, so I don't see why users should pay when there are the sponsors and knowledge partners who can bear the cost of more employees to see that the job is done properly. As Yahoo! Answers' popularity increases, so does the money sponsors get/give.

  13. I think it's a great idea, but I don't think anyone would want to pay.

  14. Dont care have more than enough money.

  15. By 'trolls' do you include those who report on a whim and those who incessantly ask worthless questions too?

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