
If You Caught Your Child Doing Drugs What Would You Do?

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If You Caught Your Child Doing Drugs What Would You Do?




  1. I am very lucky in the fact that both my children are grown men now, they were both very anti drugs and anti smoking, if they had decided to go down that road I would initially have been very disappointed in myself thinking I had failed them. I would do everything in my power to have help them and hope I was successful.

  2. Ask them to share them with me!  

  3. First I would talk to my child about the danger of drugs, have my child promise that they would not do it again or place my child in detox program. It the above the programs did not work I would have recourse to report child to the police.

  4. despair.

  5. I never caught mine doing this. So, I am no expert. My friend did this:

    #1. Take the door off her room.

    #2. EMPTY HER ROOM. PUt is all in storage if you need to.take out EVERYTHING Except:  7 pairs of jeans, 7 shirts, 7 sets of underwear. @ sets of nightclothes and a jacket. Leave a mattress and one set of bedding on the floor. Leave a desk with paper, pencil and calculator. (NO PHNE< NO TV< NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES>>>NO IPOD NO VIDEO GAMES)

    #3. She can go to school and church. She has no privilages at all whatsoever for a month. She has to keep her room clean, do her laundey and her homework and stick to a curfew. No friends. No bull. Start doing drug tests at home or at the Dr. Office once a week.

    #4 after a month she can earn some things back if she does her chores and homework and abides by the rules.  You can go in to a counselor and have them help you with all of this. But, the thing is the parent has to take control back and if you can not do it, it might take a trip to rehab to get their attention and the parent's. It did work for my girlfriend, and her daughter is a college grad with a great job and no drug problems now.

  6. Blow-up, overreact, make every threat in the book.

    Then I would go after the SOB selling the drugs and make him/her wish the police would throw him/her in jail for protection. Every SOB drug dealer on the street would be absolutely terrified of selling my child drugs.

  7. find a quiet moment when you can be together and ask the simple question

    WHY ?

    only they know the answer.

  8. it would depend what drug and how far they were into it

    if it was just a bit of weed i would make them share or disown them  

  9. have a real good chat about the pros and cons of taking drugs

  10. that sucks if you did. i guess youd follow your instincts on parenting

  11. Military School or Bust

  12. Follow the money he used to get the drugs. Then work against the dealers and drug dispensers to rid the neighbourhood of them.

    Then I would follow the childs reasoning for using them and find a way for him or her to help themselves out of it.

    When your child is involved with drugs then something is wrong with their decision making. It is up to the parent to find out what and help their child to deal with it.

    We as parents cannot stop them, we can only help to a certain degree and every other decision is up to them. There is only so much a parent can do. But one thing they cannot do is disregard the problem and disregard the child no matter how old the child is. Our children owe us nothing, we as parents owe them everything. Even when we are ninety-five and the kid is seventy-two we still owe them.

    So in their youth we owe them everything we can humanly give them. That includes our love and trust.

  13. I hope I never have to catch or find out he's doing drugs.

    But if he did, I would talk to him calmly, (I can do this, after the initial rant i would throw) about the negative aspects of drug use.  Then remind him of his friend's mother who is a user... he has seen it first hand and is not impressed or curious.

  14. I would give him a good clip around the ear, and, it depends how much he has on him - just one joint and I'll lecture him for days and give him extra chores and all that, but if he has been dealing (I'm sure non of mine will ever do that - but I expect all mothers say that!) then I'll send him away to boarding school or something!

  15. Beat the sh*t out of 'em!

  16. tough call. it sure is to bad Drug Dealers don't card for ID

  17. Show them the consequences of their actions,no matter how harsh.

    Show them dead bodies of drug OD cases if i had to.

  18. If anyone thinks there's one answer they're wrong. It depends on the nature of the kid, what they're using, what kind of parent you've been, or now are, and any number of other things. If they're smoking the odd bit of dope or the occasional other there might not be a problem, without details how can you say?

  19. i'd ask if i could get some on tick just until next thursday when i get paid...oh go on i got the sweats i just need a lil fix

    All illegal narcotics are medicinal. Boredom is a disease worse than cancer. Drugs cure it, with little or no side effects if used as directed. Life's temporary for a reason, it gets boring after awhile. You should be inventing new drugs is what you should be doing! Newer, crazier drugs

  20. pure and simple , talk to them, hopefully it wouldnt get to that as well before they are at the age of trying drugs I would have told all the nasty stories associated with drugs.

    The worst thing to do would be to go off in a wobbler and alienate them, hopefully this will never happen.

    My friend lost her son to heroin, there is NO right or wrong way to deal with this. An addiction is an evil thing, hopefully they choose the right circle of friends.  

  21. call the police and have them talk to her. if this wouldn't stop her then the next time maybe an over night stay in the juvenile detention center might work

  22. P-A-N-I-C

  23. Initially horrified! and then heartbroken.. Then I would do everything in my power to get help and hope above all hope that it worked.....

  24. When we catch a child doing (soft) drugs in the school we call the police.

    The Spanish police are very good at scaring the **** out of them, so I would do the same at home.

    Hard drug use would be  a different kettle of fish altogether. I would seek expert advice.  

  25. Disown them.

  26. frogmarch them down to the local nick and hand them in,short sharp lesson but  one done out of love

  27. Tell Them To Stop Using Capital Letters All The Time. And to share their stash.


  29. Send them straight into rehab or juvenile detention to scare them straight and hopefully save their life. Find out why they chose to do them in the first place.

  30. My son's room was a mess so being the good parent decided to clean it out - I know forbidden territory and all that - that is fine when they pay their way - anyway I found an ashtray (hidden under the bed) which contained a roach, so when he came home from school I simply put a question to him

    'is there any reason you can give me not to call the police'

    he said no (he hung his head, then tried to blame his friends, and I told him that I did not fall from the clouds yesterday)

    I'm a bit confrontational.

    But I sorted it, he doesn't smoke anymore doesn't do any kinda drug - trust me I would know, and if he did I would skelp his *** good.

  31. Well theres not really much you can do really.



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