
If You Freeze Pop...Will It Explode???

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  1. Sure will! I just found a canned Diet Pepsi in the back of the freezer and it was split down the middle and one end was blown out. Stalagtites and stalagmites of frozen pop were all over the frozen food - I was one unhappy camper.

    Was that you that put it in there?? *LOL*

  2. No- it will just freeze like ice, but it may expand too much and crack the container it's in. When it starts to thaw, it will thaw just like ice as well. Hope that helps :]

  3. try it!!!!

  4. yes it would

  5. if you freeze it and then refrigerate it it will explode and make a horrible mess.

  6. A soda pop? It will swell, not explode.

  7. In the can or bottle yes, but if you put it into a open plastic container and leave room for it to expand and crawl up the container it's fine.

  8. the can will break but I dont think the soda explodes

  9. yes it expands the explosion isn't big... the can just kinda rips apart and the fizz comes shooting out!!!! BOOOSHH

  10. It's never happened to me, the can just usually cracks...

  11. yes, been there, done that, mom made me clean up the mess

  12. yes if it is in an unopend contaner

  13. Soda cans will definately break. As the liquid freezes, it expands and the can will break.

    In plastic bottles, there's a little more give and the seals aren't as tight. Some of the air will escape through the top of the bottle and the plastic will stretch slightly. They usually won't explode but you'll likely have flat soda when it thaws.

  14. i've had to clean out the whole freezer after forgetting i put one in to get cold.

  15. no but you have to wait quite awhile before opening it after it thaws a bit otherwise it will spray all over the place when you try to open it, and it'll lose all the carbination causing it to go flat. (i let my pop freeze in the freezer all the time, I've never had it explode on me)

  16. Yes it will...then you'll have sticky stuff all over your freezer and food.  You'll have to take EVERYTHING out to get it clean.

    My daughter has done this to me more than's a teenage conspiracy, I'm telling you.

  17. yes if it is cold enuff. nd it goes everrrrrrywhere

  18. yes

  19. if the bottle/ can is full it could possibly but i have never tried, always been to not to try.

  20. the pop wont explode but the can might

  21. No. it will expand and crack the can/bottle

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