
If You Gave Up your Child For Adoption?

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Could there ever be any way to get them back?




  1. you have 6 weeks after you sign the adoption papers to change your mind (at least in California thats the law). After that you have NO rights at all to the child. If you decide to have an open adoption you can still write to and see the baby but you have no legal rights. I know this for a fact because I have been through it. I believe adoption is a wonderfull thing but think hard before you make your decision :)

  2. I'm not sure why don't u go ask the adoption agency!!!

  3. theres a 10 day period after you give the baby up after birth where you can take it back but after that theres nothing you can do.

    why am i getting thumbs down? im giving a baby up for adoption and i know how it is! thats how it is in canada anyways dunno if its different for states

  4. How long ago was it?

    If the adoption is final, your chances are slim and none.

    There was a case in FL many years ago where the adult adoptee proved there was fraud involved and got the adoption over-turned.

    So if it was illegal in some way, you might have a chance.

  5. I've seen it happen all the time.  My parents were foster parents for Chicago DCFS for 30 years.  My 4 brothers and Sisters along with me were adopted by them.  We were to adopt another baby we had living with us since he was brand new, we called him Corky.  He was 6 when his birth mother decided she wanted to have him back.  It was very hard on everyone especially my father.  She was a very nice lady, thanked us for caring for her son and loving him like we did.  She sent us updates on him every once in a while to let us know he was ok.  But it was very very hard.

    She got him back because in the end, birth parents always have that right in the eyes of the court.  I'm not saying it's easy, certainly it is not.  But the court if the birth parents are fit to have them back the court will award them back to keep the integrity of the family.

  6. I don't think so. Once you sign the papers and essentially give up your parental rights concerning them then there isn't much more you can do. That's why you have to be absolutely sure when it comes to matters like this.

  7. every state is different.  some states have no revocation period, and once the papers are signed, that's it.  others have longer periods when the bmom can change her mind. once the time has elasped, there is little that can be done.

    this is why adoption is so messy.  when the law dictates how we are to act based on emotionally charged issues, it's problematic.  hence the reason why adoption reform and non-biased bmom counseling are so necessary.

    Edit:  what??? i got a thumbs down for suggesting non-biased bmom counseling?  yikes!

  8. No, only if the family is abusive, and even then, one of THEIR family members might get custody, because he is a member of THEIR family now, not your's. Once you give a child up, you cannot just change your mind like that.

  9. It would be hard because they signed papers.i really don't know. But there were two profiled cases in the news were the birth mother came back and got her child back. It was a long time ago and i don't remember all the details, i was quite young when these cases took place. I just remember them because I never heard of it before. I will try to find them and post back here.

    Okay i found out the cases. Do a search for Baby Jessica or a Baby Richard. Or look under a Roberta Deboer as she wrote a book about her experince.

    I hope this helps.

  10. As much I would love to I live in a state that once I signed the papers I couldn't.

  11. Depends on how long ago the adoption was done and if it was final.  In many states, birthmom has up to 6 months, from the time she signed the papers.  She needs a lawyer!  Generally, if the adoption is final, the only way to get them back is either to prove fraud or if the father was never notified and sues.  I know 2 different men who got their children back (didn't know about them until after they were adopted) after the adoption was final.  The kids were under 1 year old when they got them and the kids have since graduated from high school.  

    I'm absolutely appalled by some of these states.  They give more time for you to exchange a lawnmower than for a birthmom to change her mind and keep her child.

  12. Depends on what kind of adoption it is.But if you're thinking about it,dont do it. One thing I know as a mother is no one could ever love my kids as much as I do.And no one could ever be a better mommy to them. Even when times have been rough we've stuck together.And believe me we have been through a lot. Homeless for awhile and now lucky to have what we got.Barely makin it by.BUt we love each other and will always have each other.

  13. I would say once you sign the papers there is no way of getting them back, should have made for sure what you wanted in the first place.

  14. If it's an open adoption, you could see the child, but you couldn't have them back. If it's a private adoption, there's almost no chance you can see the child. Once a child is adopted, the same rules apply for a biological child and the adoptee. There is a 0.0000000001 chance you could get the child back after you gave them up for adoption.

  15. I am ready for thumbs down, but I think that is really selfish for any birth parent to do unless their child was being abused  under the adoptive parents care.  Way to confuse a child.

  16. Once you singed the rights you cant get the baby back. Its done. No lawyer can get your child back. My husband and I know this because our daughters birth mom tried to the samething and our lawyer said no she cant because she signed the papers from day one.

  17. I am sure there is always a way- but I think you shouldn't. It just isn't right. I think that if the child wants to know who you are you should wait for them to look for you. If you have given your child up for adoption there was some type of reason there, and I applaud you for not having an abortion! But, in thinking of the child, it will really mess with them to have you just appear and say you couldn't have them before- but now you want to know them. A child already has millions of things to deal with- and the birth mother trying to get him/her back will just make life hard! Just be patient and wait, OR contact the parents that have been raising the child and talk with them and see what they think. They are the parents now, and know and want what is best for the child. IF they think that their child could handle it and it would be a benefit then so be it. They are the parents- so they should get to decide, not you. They know the child and know what should be done. Maybe they have told their child that they were adopted and think that it would actually help their child with some issues, then they might want you to enter the life.

    I know that I would not want to have contact ever with my birth parents, my adopted parents are my REAL parents- and I don't want to learn about the "others".

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