
If You Had A Diet Low In Calories Yet High In Carbs?

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I was just wondering, because I saw a wierd diet thing were you just ate "good" carbs (such as wholemeal pasta, toast, etc.) yet still stayed to a minimum amount of calories. I was just wondering, would this actually work? I mean, you always here that carbs make you gain weight, but if you're having hardly any calories, would you still lose weight, or would it have no effect, and maybe even cause you to gain weight?




  1. Carbohydrates contain calories and there is no escaping that.  But yes the foods like bread, pasta and potatoes are good Carbs as they release their energy slowly and bad carbs like sugars and candy and cakes release their energy very fast.  

    The problem with releasing energy too fast is that insulin in the body is and too much too soon promoting fat storage.  Where as good carbs cause smaller amounts of insulin to be released over a period of time and this has a less dramatic effect of fat storage.

  2. Even if it is "good" carbs, I have a hard time believing the diet would be low in calories if you are carb loading...Usually the only time you need to be on such a diet is when you're expending a large amount of calories, like if you are a runner or swimmer...  I would just try to stick to a well balanced diet with some carbs and mostly protein, veggies, and fruit

  3. if u wana lose weight at home without exercising......u can refer to this website

    and u will find so many tips for weight loose and weight loose reciepes.u can try them and lose weight at home easily.

  4. Wow do not listen to any of these people. Ha.. Ok a high carb intake diet is for bulking diet. If you want a cutting diet to get ripped you do not want pastas. But if you can not stay away from pastas only eat one time a day in a small portion. Workout hard and watch what you eat. 4-7 healthy meals a day. 1 of those can be a few bites of pastas. If all you eat is pastas you will get what we call PALMACLORIC ACIDS which mean they will build up the fat around making you eat more and making your food intake attach onto your already existing fat.

  5. ok yea, one thing, everyone's body is different. i never gained weight from eating alot of carbs, and my diet consist of plenty. i love sushi, pizza and my sandwiches from subway. you just have to portion yourself. don't go finishing off 3 slices of pizza. i usually eat a slice or if i'm eating a hoagie, i split it with friends.

  6. consuming a low calorie diet that is high in carbohydrates would not neccessarily result in fat loss.  a high carb diet results in elevated insulin levels which can impede fatty acid metabolism.  a person that had a high amount of body fat and consumed a high amount of carbs would lose minimal amounts of body fat as compared to another that had moderate to low amounts of body fat.  the body composition (amount of muscle and fat) has to be taken into account when designing a diet for weight/fat loss.  there is a lot more to fat loss than cals in vs. cals out.


    a high carb diet still causes elevated levels of insulin.  insulin is the most anti-catabolic hormone that the human body produces.

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