
If You Had Superpowers.....?

by  |  earlier

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what would it be:

invisibility or flying

strength or speed

mind reading or telekenisis [moving things with your mind]

x-ray vision or walking through solids

breathing underwater or talking to animals

controling an element [fire,water,wind,earth] or changing your outer apperence and voice to match someone elses!!




  1. flying


    mind reading

    x-ray vision

    breathing underwater

    controling element

  2. invisibility


    mind reading

    x-ray vision

    breathing underwater

    changing my appearance

  3. invisibility




    breathing underwater

    controling an element

  4. well...i want to stop time! i'd have time to do homework.. play.. AND mess up with people :D

  5. flying



    walk thru solids

    talk to animals (what a h**l of a network)

    control an element.  probably water, after giving it some thought.

  6. I always wished I could speak, read, and understand every language.  I can't count how many times that would have come in useful.

  7. flying. It's easy to not be noticed without powers. And I'd love the feeling.

    Speed. Because I think it comes in handy most often, like almost all the time, while strength is only handy in certain situations.

    Mind reading. I'm very interested in what everyone thinks. I'd know a lot of advantages of it.

    Walk through, definitely. Because I can look after I've walked through.

    Talking to animals. I don't really know the use of being able to stay under water for a long time.

    Controlling an element. 'cause I'd still have a kind of telekinesis. And I can already read minds, so manipulation is already easy enough without change of appearance.

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