
If You Lost 2 Great Great Great Grandfathers who Died Freeing Slaves, You do NOT Have to Pay Reparations..?

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... under Obama and Pelosi?

What about the mother who lost 3 sons fighting for the north in the Civil War? Did her family fail to do its share ?




  1. Reparations for slavery is a non-issue. Its going nowhere.

    Weird that you don't mind paying reparations to the Iraqi families if we kill someone in their family...'suspected terrorists' is what Bush calls them

  2. d**n good point. And add all the legal immigrants & descendants since 1865.

    Oh, I wish this issue would die.

  3. What are you talking about?  Pelosi and Obama have never promoted slavery reperations.  A SOURCE WOULD BE VERY NICE WITH THIS KIND OF BALONEY.

    Read a newspaper some time.  This is not a real issue...  or a priority for anyone in government.

    People will find the devil anywhere as long as it attacks a politician that they don't like personally.   What's next, a question about Obama supporting dog fighting because he  and Michael Vick have the same complexion?

  4. What reparations? More lame Neocon trash...

  5. I have never owned a slave so why should I have to pay any reparations to anyone? And Besides there isn't any one alive today that was a slave!

  6. First BHO was for it then against it, who knows what will happen.  The thing is, we've already given money.  It come from taxes not one person.  My family wasn't here during the slave days.  We didn't fish up black people in Africa to bring them here like the Spanish did.  Yet it will still come out of my pay.  Personally I don't care about something that happened over 100 years ago.  Isn't it enough that so many have had to apologize for longer than slavery was around?  Do people not remember that blacks in Africa went into the villages and stole their countrymen selling them to the Spaniards who later sold them to the brits and Americans?  When will you make your brothers and sisters pay?  This topic is so full of bs no matter what.

  7. No, but you can only be passed up by 13 less qualified applicants via affirmative action.  Your welcome.

  8. My people weren't even in this country until the time they left what is now Poland getting away from Bismark in what was then Germany.

  9. Just because I am white, it does NOT mean I have to pay reparations, or even apologize for slavery. We have had people trace our family back to when they arrived in the U.S., and all of my direct ancestors settled in the North, and a few of my great-great-great uncles fought for the North.

    How am I (or my ancestors) to blame for slavery?

  10. Bull.  It is not like all of those men who fought cared about those slaves.  Many only cared about perserving the Union or were forced to fight.  How did alot of those whites treat those former slaves after the war?  As for reparations, that is another subject.  It is good to foster debate on reparations, but only a fool think they will, actually, be paid.

  11. What if our grandfathers hadn't even immigrated over here yet like mine? and what about the black men that owned black slaves (cause they did).

    Would we still have to pay?

  12. Should the descendents of the slave owners get reparations for having their slaves taken away from them?  How about Thomas Jefferson's descendents, some of which are former slaves?  Should descendants of murderers be penalized for what their grandparent did?

    Reparations is a hoax.  It just ain't going to happen.

  13. How can you "lose" someone that you could not mathematically have "known"?

  14. No. Because you are making this up.

    A nice fresh lie in the morning... mmmm....

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