
If You Saw a Lost Child, What Would You Do?

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I was reading an article about an ABC News experiment. They hired child actors to stand on a busy corner and pretend to be lost and scared. Over 2,000 people walked by and only 47 stopped to ask if the child was okay or needed help. What would you do?

I am a parent of four. I try to pay attention to other children anywhere we go. I know in an indoor place like a mall or something, it's easy to get security and let them take over finding the parents - at least make an announcement. Would you be as comfortable if you saw a lost child in an open public place? Would you call the police, or would you walk by and not get involved?




  1. I would  STOP

    and take the time.. for that child.

    In this world we live in...... taking time for others , is a rare thing

    no one seems to want to get involved..

    just look and stare and go on

    I also.. pay attention to  ALL  children.

    This thing, take  care of my four and no more

    as i heard,  THAT DOG WONT HUNT!!

      we all need to be aware, your neighbor is not just that one who lives beside you

    it is world wide....... all around you!!

  2. Call 911

  3. I would stop and help.  Call the police, stay with the child until the appropriate authorities had arrived.

  4. i would ask and make shore if is ok and may be call the police

    i have to be involved

  5. I would call the police they could really need help. If u were alone at a public place wouldnt u want some1 to help u and not just leave u there in the open with possibly no shelter?

  6. I have been in this situation a few times and I have always helped lost children. I would never think about just walking by. Even before I was a parent. NO matter how pressed for time I am, I stay with the child until they find their parents to help calm the child down and make them feel safe. A safe child is more important then whatever I have to do

    Im also the person that makes comments to parents that walk in front of their children or that are not paying attention to their children at all. That really really urks me!

  7. If I saw a lost child I would take them in, and care for them until I found their parents or a guardian. If not take them in I would call the police and report that you have found them. In a case about this, only last year my mum took a kid into our home, but in the end it turned out bad, because when he left he stole mine and my brothers play station and other things. So sometimes it turns out worser then you would imagin.

  8. help the child either wait for its parents to come or take the child home.

    people need to wake up and take time off there oh too important life and take notice of those in need.

  9. In the past I have stopped and asked the child if they were lost.  Thank goodness the parent were just around the corner looking for them.

    BUT the sad thing is some of the parents look at me like I was doing something wrong.  Helll I wasn't the one who didn't know where my child was.  

    Someone needs to stand up and help our children they are our future.

  10. I wouldnt leave the child until they were properly attended too. Even if I was on my way to an appointmen that would be cancelled. A child lost has to be the most scariest thing for a child and the mother.

    I would approach the child and do all i could to help.

  11. I would stop for them. I might buy them a drink ask them their name and ask if they knew where their parents were. This just gives the child a nice platform which shows that other people in the community care for them and their not alone. This may show a sign of child molestation to other people, but what people don't realize that all may not be as it appears.

  12. My be I would buy them something to eat and drink then I would call the police and have them take it from there.

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