
If You Swallow a Live bee?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday, i was at a drink stand (all you can drink and refills)

and I saw a man getting a pepsi refill. A bee happened to be right on the spout and slipped in the man's drink and he didn't even know it.

I told him a bee slipped in.

Now, could the bee lived if he drank it and could the bee have bitten the man internally in his throat or body and would it cause injury?

Just wondering>.................




  1. If he was allergic to bees he could have died from it.  Otherwise he'd probably just have a sore throat if the bee stung him as he swallowed the drink...or the bee would have died when it reached the acid in his stomach.  You definitely did the right thing telling him.  Based on his reaction I'm guessing he doesn't have a bee sting allergy.  You at least saved him from a potential sting.  It was rude of him not to thank you.

  2. the acid in your stomach will most likely kill it so its not a threat to your health.

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