
If You Touch Your Eye With Contacts Will You Go Blind?

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like if you have contacts in your eye, and then rub your eyes.

and what do you do if you have something in your eye while wearing contacts?




  1. Too much rubbing can scratch your eye, causing a little damage although rare.

    If you have something in your eye whilst wearing contacts, take out your contacts straight away.

  2. no... they stay in place, i don't rub my eyes with my eyelids open, and neither should anyone else at any time contacts or no. And if its a hair or peice of dust that gets in your eye you can usually cry it out as normal as long as it doesn't get behind it. but than you can just take the contact out and flush it out

  3. i don't think so...

  4. if you scratch them with a Cheese grater yes

  5. I have rubbed my eye heaps of times with contacts and I can still see. I suppose you could over do it, do don't be aggressive.  If you get something in your eye its best to remove the contact and clean it and clean your eye out with some eyewash.

  6. no lol

  7. No!!! The worst thing that I have ever seen happen is someone wore contact lenses into a military CS gas (Tear Gas) chamber and then rubbed their eyes causing the contacts to melt and fuse to the cornea.  

  8. ahahah no

    how do you think you put contacts in and take them out?

    you take out the contact and clean it and put it back in after you got whatever was in your eye out

  9. i don't know.i don't wear contacts ")

  10. 1st ques : i dont think youll go blind itll probably just hurt...

    2nd ques : just take it out and clean it and put it back in....

  11. i wear contacts. you wont go blind. if you get somthin your eye while you have them in it most likely will come out on it own after a few blinks. if not take them out and clean them and get wut is ever is in your eye out.

  12. no u won't my mom has contacts and she rubs  her eyes all the time.

  13. If that where true there would be allot of blind people and I don't think anyone would wear a product that causes blindness by simply rubbing their eyes.  

  14. If you have contacts in your eyes and rub them, you will not go blind. Even if you touch them, you still won't go blind. They may become out of place, and you might have to take them out and put them back in, but it doesn't hurt if they do. When you have something in your eye while wearing contacts, simply take the contact out of that eye (after washing your hands), rinse your eye with water, and put the contact back in. Make sure water does not come in contact (no pun intended) with the contact, because it will damage the lens. Hope I helped!

  15. You obviously won't go blind. If you notice you have something in your eye when you are wearing contacts, you should use eye drops to get it out; you may even have to remove your contact so you don't lose it.

  16. Uhmmm a lot of unresponsible people wear contacts ~ some don't wash them etc. so no, your chances of going blind are pretty slim  

  17. I don't think so.

  18. you will not go blind

    put eyedrops in if you have something in your eye

  19. No i don't think you can go blind by rubbing your eyes. I've done it before and I can see fine. If you have something in your eyes, take your contact out and rub your eye to get it out.

  20. your not going to go blind but if you have something in your eye you might need to take your contacts out b4 u rub your eyes (or try to take something uot of your eye

  21. lmao. xD

    no. you will not.

    just take your contact out and wash it with solution.

  22. just take of ur contacts and rub your eye a little... and of course u wont go blind!

  23. , at the time  of pur chase itself you are given demonsrations of in- staling and removal and also some advices about do's and dont's including your imagination--above all the contacts stay on the cornea ---rubbing with another voluenyarily and ignoring the presence of somthing  in thr eye is inviting problem

  24. of COURSE you won't go blind!?  

    If you get somthing in your eye, you try to nudge it out with your fingertip.  Worst case, it gets alongside the edge of the contact or UNDER it, so you pop the contact out & rinse the speck away, then pop the contact back in.  It happens to me about 1ce a week.

  25. I'm pretty sure just touching your eye doesn't make you blind. You should wash your hands thoroughly, though, before touching your eye. If somethings in your eye, I think it'd be a better idea to try to take it out by touching it instead of just leaving it in there.

  26. lol nope!

  27. ok i wear contacts every day and i rub my eyes at least three times a day and its fine doctors wouldnt give u them if u could go blind!

    u just rub ur eye if something is in it  

  28. No, don't worry you won't go blind. It is pretty much impossible to go blind while wearing contacts. Remember they are designed to help you see so they are made to feel comfortable and be safe for your eyes. The lens actually suctions onto the iris of your eye, when you rub it this is often not enough pressure to break that suction. Also if you have something in your eye and you are wearing contacts there are multiple methods of extraction, rubbing, eyedrops, taking the contact out, or (in a more serious case) seeing an eye doctor. Contacts are not scary, nor are they dangerous, in reality they just make it easier for us already blind people to see.

  29. no

  30. No, no definitely not.

    I've had contacts since I was 9 years old, and if you rub your eye with the contacts in them, the contact will only shift and then move itself back into position.

    However if you have something in your eye, it is probably on the inside surface of your contact. All you have to do is remove your contact, wash it with solution, making sure any there are no rips or tears, and put the contact back in.

    If there is any more irritation, simply throw out that contact and put in a new one.

  31. No. haha. If you get something in your eye use eyedrops or something. You aren't going to go blind.  

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