
If You Watch 2 Men Try To Murder Another Man With a Handgun, And Do Nothing, Is That A Crime?

by Guest56478  |  earlier

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Barack Obama watched 2 black guys try to kill another guy with a handgun, in Chicago, while being a community organizer. He did not intervine, call the police, or attempt to help the victim. Is this some kind of crime? Is it an act of moral turpitude? What would the law say?




  1. In most states, no, it isn't a crime.

    Certainly, any circumstance where you put yourself in danger by reporting a crime, you have an automatic and believable defense

    even if it is in your state.

    As for "moral turpitude", without knowing more about the circumstances, its really kind of hard to judge.   I'd like to think I would report a crime regardless, but when was the last time you reported a speeder on the highway?

    You'll need to provide more information.  Right now, it just looks like YOU are mud slinging.

  2. I need facts on this issue, not hear say. You show no reference, or facts, to the statement you have made. You could be held liable for an instantiated statement like this.

  3. Although I don't like Obama, I feel as though falsehoods and fairytales should not be rumored out about anyone.  If this story were true, the news would have been on it long ago.  

  4. Well not reporting that to the police would be very immoral.   That would be down right unethical.      Illegal?  Not sure...possibly.....cause it may be your responsibility as a community organizer to report such a thing......otherwise you wouldn't be doing your job properly.  You should lose your job for that.

    I do know that it is illegal to attempt to rescue someone without completing the rescue (because beginning the rescue informs everyone else that help is already on the way, and therefore, no need to send more help).

  5. It would be obvious why you would'nt want to but morally I would'nt be able to live with myself if I did'nt do something. But I don't think it is a crime not to .

  6. Why do you single him out ? How many other people "saw" it ?

  7. It  would not be a crime, but certainly a serious lack of moral fortitude.

  8. First of all, I'm highly dubious of this story. Post a link from a reputable source and I'll consider it, otherwise it's just an ugly rumor. Second of all, this would not be a crime in most states. Any states that have tried to make something like this illegal through a good samaritan law have only done so in the last 10-15 years or so.

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