
If You Were Taught Manners, Are You Teaching Your Kids Manners?

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or are you letting it go because it's outdated and to stringent?

Let me know either way.




  1. We're definitly teaching our kids manners. It's funny, sometimes my hubby and I look at each other with the same thought. "I hated it when my parents said this to me, but now I'm greatful they did teach me manners."

    It's not just showing respect, saying please and thank you, but also eating with your mouth closed, don't talk with food in your mouth and things that didn't apply back then, because it wasn't around yet like cell phone etiquette.

  2. Yes and yes. Manners are very necessary. It's about civilized behavior. How are these kids going to get a job and interact successfully with others? Manners help there.

    It is not outdated. It is not too stringent. Please.

  3. is anyone actually going to say they're not teaching their children manners?

  4. My boys have manners I know this because when they are at a friend's house the parents always comment how polite my boys are and how respectful they are so I'm doing my job in raising them with manners and good morals

  5. I was taught manners and my kids have been too. I'm a grown adult and still say "Yes Ma'm" and "No Sir" because its how I was raised and it sets you apart from everyone else. You want to be treated well by strangers? Act politely and use manners. Good manners never go out of style. Kids nowdays might be acting like brats and running wild, but mine are the ones that act right and are polite. I much prefer hearing "Yes Ma'm" instead of a string of curse words! I also hate joining my kids at the lunch table at school and seeing half the kids chewing with their mouth open. Ewww!

  6. We teach manners, among other things. It'll never be outdated for me. To me, good manners coincide with good behavior, so I'll always teach my kids to be polite and not spoiled brats.

  7. Manners are SO important!  They will never be outdated, its classy. Please and Thank you are staples in the english language!

  8. my dad was very strict about saying please and thank you when i was growing up and i have passed that to my children i think it is verky important my 3 year old always uses them and my 16m old is working on hit he can sort of say them but knows them in sign language and is strongly encouraged to use them even at his age my three year old will even bump into someone at the store or almost hit them and say sorry or excuse me

  9. Yeah, my boy's going to be a gentleman and my girl a lady. Okay, why not?

    Kids these days probably have more manners we think, more than those who make the news for having no tact.

  10. manners manners manners.  I'm teaching my 9 month old sign language.  Please and Thank you are the two that I'm teaching her.  So far so good.  Ppl who don't teach their kids manners or kids that don't ahve manners I think are somewhat ingnorant.  I personally think that ppl who don't use manners shouldn't expect much of others.

  11. i agree with xshadow7.

    it's always the bad apples that get the press coverage in any group of people.

  12. Manners are VERY important! I don't believe manners are outdated. They are common courtesy. We began instilling manners in our kids pretty much from infancy and both have developed into kind and well-mannered teens.

  13. I think parents shoud absolutely teach their kids manners, and I also think that WAAAYYY too many parents don't do it.  If one of my kids says to me "I want ____ ", I don't even acknowledge that they have spoken to me until they rephrase it with "Mom, can I please have ____". Or, if they are rude to one another and I hear it, they must apologize to each other.  Having manners is not outdated, it's the right thing to do.

  14. I am the person TODAY because my parents taught me manners and common courteous YEARS ago. I am trying to raising my children in the same respect my parents raised me. I dont think it is outdated, I think parents let it go because it is soo hard to be working, cleaning, cooking, laundry etc, that parents just give in because it is the easy way and some feel guilty that they cannot be there all the time. When I was young, my mom did not work and she was there 24/7 so I got away with very little. I see my sisters giving in because they are working moms and its like an apology for not being around. I am blessed to be a SAHM. I would probably give in more if I had less time with him.

  15. Manners are key start to a kids character.  Teaching kids manners is one of the first things to start teaching respect.  Stringant or not it is best for the child.

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