
If You Were a Superhero what Powers would you have?

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I'd have the power of reading peoples minds, that would be cool.




  1. i would want to have wings, and be empathic

  2. Invisible! (Whenever I chose to be)  

  3. FLYING!!

  4. Hi! I'd have the ability to make fast food actually as nice as the pictures on the walls in restaurants make out. Yeah. I could make a fortune with that skill :)

  5. Well as I'm a bit obssessed with superheroes.....Ok a lot obssessed my powers would be very similar to supermans but a lot better!!!! I would have unlimited strength. I would be aival to run at 300 miles per second. X- ray vision so good that i would be able to see as far as austrailia. Fire and ice manipulation. And when I grow up flight.

  6. I'd be able to fly and be invisible, that would be so cool, if I'm late to class and there are heaps of people around slowing me down, i'll just fly over the building! And if i don't feel like going to maths, science etc, i'll just turn invisible, hehehehehehehehehe!!  

  7. Either reading minds or Inivisibility.  

  8. If I were a superhero, Id like to have powers of invisibility, being able to see through walls, being able to turn back and control the time, being able to fly, and id like to have the power of fire! That would be great...

    If only...


  9. Unlimited number of powers?  I choose three, then.  Shocked I would pick so few?  It all depends on the powers chosen.  Here they are, in order of preference:

    1. Omnipotence- all-powerful; anything I wished to be, would be

    2. Omniscience- all-knowing; anything that could be known, I'd know

    3. Omnipresence- everywhere at once; I could interact with the entirety of the universe unbound by the constraints of space, time, or dimensional realities

         If I were a superhero, I would choose those powers.  However, that would make it highly difficult to remain a superhero.  After all, power corrupts.  Since this would be the definition of absolute power, it stands to reason I would be prone to be corrupted absolutely.  Only my moral base could keep this from happening, no matter how powerful I was.

  10. Ice control

  11. Maybe i'll have the power of stealing the powers of other!!! Guess it will be more fun!! heehehheheheeh!!!  

  12. I want to control plants. I want to have the power to regenerate wilting plants. I love nature!!


  13. Invisibility XD

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