
If You are completely clean and so is your partner do you need to wear condoms?

by  |  earlier

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If i have been completely check and all came back negative and my partner is the same and we are completely faithful to one another are condoms still necessary??




  1. Not completely. Only if you can trust your partner completely! And, if you have another form of birth control of course. You could use them as a precaution in case you miss a day on the pill or something. But if you trust someone, then this is a big gesture! But in a good way.

    So that's what I think about that.

  2. if you want to get pregnant they are not necessary but if you dont i would still wear one

  3. Yes.

    1. Birth control

    2. NOBODY is completely clean.  Some people don't know they are infected from past relationships and show no symptoms and tests come out negative (because the virus is dormant).  They are carriers and can pass it on to their partner.

    Better to be careful than to get an STD.

  4. They are still necessary if you are not ready to become pregnant.

  5. To prevent pregnancy yes!

    Dont want any babies popping out

  6. yes

  7. if you want to be up the duff then no.

  8. well if you dont plan on getting pregnant i'd say so

  9. Well you still need to wear condoms for protection against pregnancy,unless you have another method of being safe....

  10. If you don't want her/you to get knocked up they are.

  11. It depends on how long you have known this person.  Lots of times things like hpv and herpes can stay dormant for months. If you have known this person for 3 to 6 months and you are confident they don't have any other s*x partners/friends then ditch the condoms.  

  12. only if you dont want to get pregnant  

  13. no

  14. if you don't want a baybayy then wear one

  15. If everyone's clean then all you need to worry about is getting knocked up, and the pill doesn't work all the time.

  16. You should just to make sure and you don't want a baby do you?

  17. Depends on how much you want a baby....

  18. no, but just the tip.

  19. Condoms aren't for the sole purpose of prevention of STD's. If you don't want to get pregnant, then he should definitely wear a condom! Even if you're on birth control. If you want to get pregnant, then you wont have to worry about STD's if you were both tested and are clean.

  20. yes, you can trust a person but there is a 50/50 chance she might be clean or she might not be! so for your own health wear them!

  21. This is a very hard question!!! I think that you should talk to him about it and ya'll should decide together!! Lat me know what happens...

  22. This is a good question. No i belive

  23. if you do not want a child then it is necessary,,, if you want a child then u dont need one

  24. Unless you want to get pregnant, then I suggest you do use a condom.  If your on Birth Control Pill, then you don't need one.  It's good that you got checked though!  :D

  25. ugggg yes! if you dont want to get pregnant!  If you are taking  another form of birth control they i dont believe  you still need condoms.  

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