
If You had one player to start an MLB franchise with, who would it be and why?

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I would take either Hanley Ramirez, Jay Bruce, or David Price (note the themes of youth and phenomenal talent)





  2. Hanley ramirez or miguel cabrera............people forget about miggy, he is only 25, he has incredible power, and is one of the best hitters in the game! not to mention he has a ring and has a lot of expirience for a 25 year old!

    hanley is pure talent, he is the best ss in the game!

  3. Hanley Ramirez...He's young and already has alot of talent.


  5. hanly ramirez

  6. Don't like the Yanks, but if I had to have one player to build a franchise with it would be Derek Jeter. His leadership on the field, in the clubhouse (how he handled A-Rod issue) and the way he plays the game.

  7. I would take Ramirez but I would really take Derek Jeter hes a great player and a leader also is classy and is notm over rated go NYY and TB Rays

  8. alburt pujols

  9. Carlos Quentin 25 yrs. old and leads the AL in homeruns

  10. Josh hamilton or edison volquize

  11. I would also take Derek Jeter GO YANKS*

  12. Josh Hamilton, Hanley Ramirez or Tim Lincecum (pitching wins championships)

    I'm sorry but I have got to just laugh my *** off at the guy who said Brian Giles.  Of all the players in major league baseball he chooses Brian Giles.

  13. Hanley Ramirez because he's only 24 and shortstop is the most difficult position

  14. A position player, it would be Hanley, hes a brigh young star and is going to be a staple for the marlins(or someone else) for many years to come.

    Pitcher, Felix Hernandez, because of his tremendous upside, plus he has been doing really well this year, despite no run support

  15. I would choose Felix Hernandez because despite his injury problems the last two years he still throws hard and based on him I can build my franchise around him (like what the Cavs do for LeBron James)

  16. Brian Giles of the Padres. I know, who? Hes not that popular but he is a fantastic hitter and walks a lot, not because pitchers are scared of him, but because he makes them walk him. He also has great baserunning skills and plays defense like it should be played

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