
If You met Elizabeth the Queen, would you bow/courtesy?

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I wouldn't personally because i think she is a human being the same as i am, i know she head of this country and all, but still would say no




  1. No, I would shake her hand if offered.

  2. No, but I would ask for my 60p tax back.

  3. i would shove a cork up her butt, she is no better than me, or you. no one bows to us do they?

  4. I would do my best to courtsey. I love my country and the Queen is head of my country, I know my place and would show my respect for my queen, my sovereign.

  5. She definitely is one the biggest heads of England. You could pump out the extra air in her head and inject into a dead persons veins, and they'd be alive again.

  6. courtsey im a girl

  7. ARE U KIDDIN????????????????????

  8. I think this is an excellent question but am dispirited by the answers of some of people on here.  I have to put it down to the fact that they are very young and actually know nothing of the history of our Royal family.  I am in my sixties and  born just after WW2.  She was a member of the land army during the war and was an inspiration to others.  I have observed her since I was a little girl and she has always been a figure of dignity and constance and fully deserving of our respect.  She has had many hurdles to climb in life because of the behaviour of her family, including her husband and has always behaved with the utmost dignity.  I am proud of our Queen but am not sure that I would curtsy.  I am a valuable human being, just as she is and that level of subservience does not come naturally to me.  I wouldn't want to upset her though by disrespecting the tradition publically, so would probably prefer not to meet her.

  9. Of course I'd show a curtsey.

    If a genie gave a wish, I'd choose to become a member of Royal Family.

  10. Not being subject of the crown, no, I wouldn't.  However, I do think the curtsy and bow is a very elegant act.  I'm not sure about the lessor royals, but I think Queen Elizabeth is a lady of much respect and valor.  She's roughly the same age as my mother and I respect both of them!  While a curtsy isn't required, some manners and signs of respect certainly are!

  11. No way! I've been invited to functions that she would be present at on two occasion and I chose not to go to either. I have no desire at all to meet her or any of her gruesome family!

  12. id punch her in the head

  13. As an American, both out of conviction and protocol, I wouldn't curtsy to any member of royalty.  The United States Constitution forbids titles of nobility, so as a citizen of a republic, I would shake hands instead.

    Curtsying or bowing to royalty acknowledges the social superiority of another individual, or as Thomas Paine explained, it is "unwise, unnatural--an insult and an imposition on posterity."  

    Dutch subjects no longer bow to royalty because they believe this distances them from the royal family.  Cherie Blair also decided not to curtsy.  However, Sarah Brown recently curtsied to the Duchess of Cornwall (or in Mrs. Brown's case, the Duchess of Rothesay).  Undoubtedly, the Browns want to distant themselves from the Blairs (and perhaps the SNP), so Mrs. Brown's curtsy itself became a political statement.

  14. id  drop my trousers so she could get to see what a real man looks like

  15. Of course id Bow, she is the Queen for god's sake she has been on the thrown for longer than my parents have been alive!!!!

    I have nothing but respect for her, some of the other royals need a kick up the butt from time to time, but her Majesty is someone to whom id pay the utmost respect


  16. Indeed I would. Partly out of respect for another person, which I tend to do in any case. Partly out of respect for an older person (likewise).And, indeed, because the lady is my sovereign.

  17. No!

  18. Neither, I might shake her hand though.

  19. She is her Majesty the Queen!

    In the bible they say that power comes from God and it's him who choses Kings and queens that's why we have to bow. It's a symbol of acceptation of the blessing from God.

  20. I would courtesy because I like to show respect. The Queen has reigned over us with dignity for several decades now and she deserves respect in return. And to those who suggested shaking hands, if she had to do that with everyone she met she'd have a pretty deformed hand by now;))))))

  21. Bowing is a formality and acknowledgement of her status, but i would prefer giving her a high five.

  22. I met her in 1990 when my Dad was out in the Gulf. I didn't curtsy because I forgot through nerves but as she didn't have me slung in the tower I don't think she cares either way. It's everybody around her that gets their knickers in a knot I think.

  23. It depends on the situation, bowing is only for formal occasions when you meet the queen, people in crowds or just on the street don't do it.

  24. I would because it's POLITE.

  25. No I would not bow. I'd still be polite and courteous, just as I am to all people that I meet for the first time.

    I can't stand sycophants and grovellers.

  26. I cannot see myself curtsy  to the Queen. I am with you on this one, she is just a human being after all.

  27. F*CK  OFF!

  28. Ive met many Queens in my lifetime but not once have I bowed or gone on one knee or shaken hands with them.(shaken something but I dont think it was a hand)

    They on the other hand have gone down on one or even two knees to me as a mark of respect and I have risen to greet them and have always left them with a smile on their face

  29. I don't think its necessary these days.

  30. No , why should i?

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