
If Your a U.S citizen and you married an ilegal resident for less then 2 years how can i get her a green card?

by  |  earlier

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Does an age diffrence of 20years matter......and how long will it take her to be a legal resident




  1. well is your wife here on a visa or is her visa expired? Thats the only way you can get her a green card..( if she entered the u.s legally) now if she came here illegaly u wont be able to get a visa..they will send u back to your country for 10 yrs and then u can come doesnt it!!  hopefully you do pay taxes,no law problems, and have a steady job..immigration is strict nowadays !! can start to apply for a green card if a visa isnt a problem ...good luckkk

  2. Green card marriages are illegal.If you get caught the illegal will be deported and you could face jail time.

  3. Please don't be offended on the use of *alien* herein, as it is an immigration term used to described non-citizens of the US.

    It depends upon how the illegal alien entered the US. If the illegal alien first entered legally, but overstayed their visa, they can apply for legal residency by virtue of marriage to an American citizen, AND by filing form I-130.

    If the illegal alien entered illegally by sneaking into the country, and did not have a visa to enter the country, they can never get legal residency or citizenship without returning to their home country and applying for immigration from there. Also, their illegal entry would impose a 10 -year ban before getting approved for legal immigration to the US, even if they marry a US citizen.

  4. If she entered on an immigrant visa that has since expired, you may be able to get her status.  If she entered illegally or on a tourist visa, there is nothing you can do from within the country. She will have to return to her country where you can then attempt to file for a spousal visa.

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