
If a 16 year old cant buy a new motorcycle from a dealer, what is he to do?

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i was told that a motorcycle dealer would not let a 16 year old buy a new motorcycle, so do i have to have my parents buy it and put it under my name or what?




  1. not allow a test ride perhaps but not to buy........thats a new one

  2. Save your money and buy good used.

  3. yeah, your parents buy it and you co sign it:)

    motorcycle dealers are dumber then car dealers.

    but motocylcles are WAYY more fun


  4. ...What is he to do? Walk.

    It's really 'controlled falling'.  You stand with your feet together, and then move one forward, like as if you want to fall, but you put it down and 'catch' yourself.

    Then you move your back foot froward, as if you want to fall, but put it down in front, to 'catch' or stop yourself from falling.

    Repeat as necessary to move forward till you get there.


    First of all, a contract is an agreement between two or more people to do (or not to do) something. It consists of an offer and an acceptance, supported by what is called "consideration" (usually money).

    When a  person says, "I will buy your motorcycle for $250," he has made an offer. The person who answers, "I will sell it to you for $250," has accepted the offer.

    A contract does not necessarily need to be in writing. A contract may be spoken words. However, the law requires certain contracts to be in writing -- for example, a contract for the sale of land, a contract for the sale of merchandise valued at more than $500, or a contract to be performed in more than one year.

    Anyone can make a contract; but if you are a minor (under 18 years of age), the law states that most contracts you make are "subject to disaffirmance." This means that while you are under 18 and for a reasonable time thereafter, you may be able to avoid any obligation created by the contract.

    In other words, if you go to the dealer and buy that bike, pay them the money, and drive it home, you or your parents can take it back and they have to give you your money back. If you are under 18 years old you cannot make a contract to buy the bike. You went through the motions, and the dealer 'fell for it', and now has to give you the money back. Even if you've wrecked the bike.

    It's just as though a 5 or 8 or 10 year old bought the bike. Minors just can't do that.

    If you have the $$$, and your folks are willing to buy it for you, then it'd be legal. In that case you also register it in your name, but have your parents as lien holder or legal owners. That way you're responsible for the bike, parking tickets insurance etc.

  5. no, they buy it and they can license it under your name as the owner.

  6. Honestly a 16 year old shouldnt be riding a motorcycle. Your still learning the rules of the road and getting comfortable on the roadways. Do you really want your first slip up to be your last? Also, you don't always think when your that young so its likely youll get drunk or high and crash. I'm 25, just finally got my first bike, wish I had done it a few years earlier but not at 16. I would wait till your 18,19,20

  7. You have to be 18 to sign the legal papers and assume total responsibility.

    Get your Dad to buy it and he can put it in your name and his and insure it; but if you s***w up he could lose his assets if you get sued.

    So think it through and maybe wait till you are 18 and keep your Da from loosing all he earned cause you had a wreck.

  8. First of all, you need a motorcycle license. In some states (at least in Illinois), anyone under 19 who wants to drive a motorcycle must get that added to their license. Other states may have other regulations determining who does or does not need a motorcycle license (often determined by age or motor displacement).

    Once you get past the licensing issue, next comes titles and finance. The dealer could refuse a 16 year old a sale for many reasons. Some places will not let a minor own a motor vehicle (or at least purchase it). It could also be that you a 16 year old does not have an established credit history and would not be able to finance the purchase on their own.

    I suggest you check your local laws about licensing, purchasing and titles. If you are able to rectify all of those and are still not able to make the purchase, check to see if a cosign on the loan would allow the purchase. If that doesn't work, ask your parents to buy it, offer to pay them back, and have the title transferred when you turn 18 and/or pay off the purchase.

  9. why not buy used? i assume this is you first  street bike. I would hate to see you down it and lose alot of money or have to file a insurace claim at sch a young age... trust me your insurance will be crazy high like mine. Im 23 and I pay like 140 for liablity only on my 02 Yamaha R1. Well what ever you decide stay safe... see you on the road...

  10. first of all you have to have a motorcycle license to even drive a motorcycle its illegal to drive a motorcycle without a motorcycle licens just like you cant drive a car without a valid drivers license its the law...your parents have to cosign and you have to have motorcycle insurance

  11. You can't own anything until you are 18 YO. Have your parents buy it for you and you make the payments and insurance. You can transfer the title when you are 18 YO and when you have it paid off.

  12. u could try co-signing the insurance and other forms with ur parents, some companies let u do that.

  13. Need to be 18 to get it in your name.  Need it someone elses until then.  One of those unfair things.


  14. ok check this out

    im 16 years old too

    i have a 2007 suzuki gixxer 750

    i bought it from berts mega mall and

    i paid cash for this =]

    i ask can i put the bike in my name

    the fat sales person said no

    since your not 18 it cant be in your name

    i was like what the Fu&* i paid you

    in cash and i still cant get it in my name

    that fool said you still have to be 18

    so i got my dad and got all of that straightend out

    he said that i could be the co-buyer

    so my name is next to my dads in the registration

    and now look at me im in a biker crew

    so theres you answer

    sorry for the essay haha

  15. Buy used.

  16. Yes, your parents would have to buy it.   If they finance the bike, your name wouldn't be put onto it because your under 18.  

    If your parents were to pay the full price of the bike, they could have you pay them monthly (unless you're spoiled, like my sister is) and when your done paying for it they could transfer the title to you at the DMV.  But until your 18 your name wouldn't appear on any dealership paperwork.  

    Good luck.

  17. Grow up?

  18. That whole legal adult thing bit you on the rear, did it?  Bummer.

    Perhaps you should actually wait until you can buy it on your own.  I realize that to a 16-year old, two years is close to the end of their existence of 22 years (because NOBODY cool is older than that, surely), but I think you'll manage.

    Oh, when you get there, don't be surprised if they STILL won't sell you one without good credit, cash in hand, and full coverage insurance (which will likely be more than three times the motorcycle payment anyway).

    These are some of the reasons why you have it easy now, and why old farts like me are always trying to explain to kids like you what "earning your dues" is about.  Things in the real world aren't simply handed to you like they are now; you have to work for them.

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