
If a 16 yr old is old enough to drive a car, and have a job...why cant they buy a gun?

by  |  earlier

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they're all dangerous in their own ways... so why cant we trust them with all the responiblities they crave? shouldnt they be able to prove themselves responsible enough? and what if the teens parents dont hunt.. but the teen does?!




  1. If an 18-year old is old enough to enlist in the military, why isn't that same 18-year old old enough to buy a drink?

  2. Had my first gun at 8 yrs. old. Taught my kids safe gun handleing soon as they were old enough to ask questions.

  3. Got my first gun at fourteen.

  4. Your answer is in your question, because they are 16 and drive a car...

  5. I don't put driving and working on the same scale as a weapon. At 16, your old enough to learn how to drive, and how to earn a living, but not old enough for the responsiblity to own a weapon or even vote. Some crazy 16 year old with a hormone imbalance will take the gun to school and kill people.

    p.s..hunting sucks

  6. what do you need the gun 4?

  7. becaue then they'll take it to their school and start shooting people. i mean do u think we should also let them drink alcohol as well? there's an age limit for many things, deal with it

  8. 16 year olds still have sever restrictions on work and some states have restrictions on driving. 16 year olds are really still in a necessary probationary period for certain activities that take practice. If you want to shoot guns you will have to do it with your parents help or through a youth gun club under supervision.

  9. there's a lot more than can go wrong with a gun and it's too easy to kill with when you lose your irrational temper.  A car can wreck somebody up, but it would be a lot harder to hurt someone with a car than it would be with a gun.  A job is a job, not a weapon.  

    16 year olds aren't mature enough to buy guns.  I'm 24 and I see my peers that aren't mature enough to handle them (quite frankly, that scares the c**p out of me)

  10. You are right.  they shouldn't be driving.

  11. You can in a lot of places with consent of a guardian.

  12. Well heck, while we're at it, let's let them buy liquer, too so they will be in the right frame of mind while they're driving to their hunting spot.

  13. You can in Texas;after you attend the hunter safety course and pass of proficiency/safety test.Had my first .22 when I was 13 and was an expert shot by 15.And guess what,I haven't gone on a rampage and/or murdered anyone.Guess the Liberal gun haters have a problem explaining why I am or can be a responsible gun owner.(had to slip that in,hope you aren't offended)

  14. that was all real funny.... the question and then the first persons answer. really made me laugh. thanks

  15. because cars and jobs can be used for good, but a gun, while it can be useful (for hunting or self defense), it is much more likely to be used for harm.  And let's face it, the average 16 year old does not need a gun.

  16. children are given the opportunity to receive more responsibilities as the their maturity grows and are able to make sound decisions... to be honest I do not think they should be allowed to drive till they are 18. working is fine with me in a limited capacity depending on age... actually, i see no reason why they can not start working at an even younger age learning responsibility and learning that what they do effects other people.... like helping someone in need with their groceries to the car.... a automobile is dangerous when an instant decisions needs to be made... and i have rarely seen a sixteen year old without other sixteen year olds or younger in the car with them... and with out radios blaring...

    as far as guns go... how often ( in comparison ) do fights break out at school vs. in the adult work place? teenagers are going through enough struggles with growing and they do not need the right to have a gun at their disposal.

  17. Because they are not mature enough to have one. Too bad they do not raise the age on getting a handgun to that of being 25 years old.

  18. Looking at the drivers in my community, age is irrelevant to driving, they should all have to take a psychiatric exam before being allowed on the road.

    I had a job (actor--stage, radio) when I was seven.  I therefore should have been able to vote or buy a gun?

    Being responsible enough for some things may not mean responsible enough for all, or would you argue that since they can drive they should also marry?

    Hunting in the modern world is just loathsome murder and endangering species approaching extinction, as no one needs to hunt to be able to eat.

  19. The should not be driving and a gun is out of the question. Most accidents are caused by two groups. The very young and the very old. The driving age needs to be 18 and there needs to be better control with licensing elderly drivers.

  20. Keep voting for corporatists and soon enough 6 year olds will be able to buy affordable guns at Walmart. (China's biggest cash cow)

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