
If a 18yr old has 3 charges of armed robbery, how long will they stay in jail?

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If a 18yr old has 3 charges of armed robbery, how long will they stay in jail?




  1. should be the rest of his/her life....3 X your out...but thanks to the libs probably 5 yrs...of a 25 yr sentence...

  2. Get a good lawyer you might get them knocked down to misdy's. Quick thugging it ain't worth it I hope you rob a dope dealer or a bank. Bet not be no old lady SSI check.

  3. until someone make his butt bleed

  4. In some states dats called 3 strikes. prepare 4 life and "bubba". enjoy!!!

  5. Hopefully a long time

  6. Depends on exactly what happened, their criminal record, where they are located, how bad the evidence is against them, whether these are the only offenses or there were others that have not been charged, etc.

    Where I live, assuming this was convenience store and gun, probably 3 years.

  7. Only 18 and already have 3 charges of Armed Robbery then they face 20 years in prison because they are unfit to live in a civilization.

    hbu_foot- I agree with you.

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