
If a 500 Megaton Nuclear Bomb was Detonated in the eye of a Cat5 Hurricane what would happen to the Hurricane?

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Let's say the Hurricane is over a very warm ocean and the bomb is detonated at center of the base of the Eye wall.




  1. Only one way to find out.

  2. The storm's intensity would take a very sharp jump because of all the water vapor injected into it; it would take some high-powered math to estimate how much of a jump. I think a Cat5 storm has a lot more than 500 megaton of energy already, but the bomb's energy might be amplified by the energy of the warm water it hurles into the atmosphere.

  3. the surrondings would blow up probaly and the power of that explosion might be tripled quadripled .... because of that bomb being indide the hurricanes walls. u know what? thats my guess!

  4. It's extremely doubtful that there would be any impact at all (besides spewing tons of radioactive material into a giant mass of wind presumably headed towards land).  Consider that a hurricane releases on the order of 10^14 Watts of energy continuously.  This is roughly equivalent of detonating a modest size nuke every 10-20 seconds.  That's not pretty.

    Presumably detonating a nuke is attempting to displace so much air that the hurricane disperses and does not reform.  This would probably take on the order of moving a billion tons of air, which really isn't feasible.

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