
If a 5K runner does run for 2 weeks, will his 5K race time be slower or faster? in other words, will his run t

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will his run time suffer?




  1. sure dude.

  2. I'm not exactly sure, but I think you might want to re-ask your question. Did you mean, if a 5k runner DOESN'T run for 2 weeks? If so, then yes, I would imagine that your time would definitely suffer. You will lose some of your fitness in this time, but not completely. I've read and heard that for every week you miss of training it takes 2 weeks to get back to where you were. But, I'm not entirely sure how true this is....I once had to take 6 weeks off from training (doctor's orders) and came back quickly in only a month's time to my previous fitness level. In fact, the 2 weeks off could do you some good, if you are overtraining and haven't had a rest in a while...I wouldn't think the time off would effect your time by more than a minute or two....of course this all just depends on the course, weather conditions, how well you are sleeping, and how you feel that day.

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