
If a 6 yr old has two ritalin patches on, what should i do? Should i call child abuse? His heart was racing!

by Guest63293  |  earlier

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He is poorly clothed as few of his clothes fit him, but his mom takes trips often, so money is not an issue. His little heart was racing all day and he can barely talk as he is so wound up. He stutters for a while before he can say anything and he never eats due to the patch. He is constantly nervous, like the patch has caused serious obsessive compulsive disorder in him. He is often sick with a fever and his mom never picks him up when he NEEDS to be taken home. This patch makes him almost crazed or it makes him super nervous, and it seems to be affecting his internal health (heart). And this is only with one patch! But when I found two on him, I became very worried. What should I do?




  1. At a bare minimum -- call a medical professional.

    Depending on what they see, they may be legally obligated to take action, and are trained to not only handle a possible overdose (and I can't imagine a 6-year-old tolerating two patches) but to recognize what qualifies as possible abuse.

    From your statement that "his mom never picks him up when he NEEDS to be taken home", I am guessing you work at a school?  If so, you may actually be legally obligated to take action.  Check with an administrator.

  2. 911 911 911!!!!

  3. call cps on the mom

  4. please please call cps, even if it wasnt as bad as this i would still call cps just to make sure the kid was okay.

  5. I would call someone!

  6. Get off and call the police!!!!! IMMEDIETLY

  7. I would call 911 and have him seen, the two ritalin patches are a medical issue first that needs resolving.  Let the ER handle the calling CPS if necessary.  A medical source would look much more credible than a childcare provider.

  8. Call a doctor immediately, or poison control. The number for poison control is 1-800-888-7655. Afterwards, call CPS. That NEEDS to be reported. I will keep him in my prayers. Good luck.

  9. is a wonderful site. but I REALLY THINK YOU SHOULD CALL A CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES HOTLINE in order to get advice on how to act on this. the professional counsellors on those lines now how to deal with these situations. they are you and your young friends best hope. they will be able to help you gain a clearer picture of the implications of the situation and also provide the most beneficial advice on how to act because they deal with it so much.

    i wish you much good luck in what must be a stressful situation

  10. Can you please explain what ritalin is? Sorry, I am Australian and have never heard of it. Is it a medicine of some sort, a band-aid (I think you call them plasters in the US). I am curious now. By the sounds of the answers, a 6 yo should not have this, whatever it is!

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